Added new property supportApi, which connects the viewer to a server running DsPdf and enables PDF modification features (annotations, form design, redact etc.).
Added Annotation editor panel that requires supportApi.
Added Form editor panel that requires supportApi.
Added Redact tools that requires supportApi.
Added security tab in document properties.
Added Navigation methods, goToPageNumber(), goToFirstPage(), goToPrevPage(), goToNextPage() and scrollPageIntoView().
Added Localization support and properties dialog localization.
Added error message to be displayed when document size exceeds SupportApi server size limit.
Added ability to edit basic Link annotation properties.
Added a new property: viewer.zoomValue (gets or sets the current zoom percentage level).
The viewer.toolbar.updateLayout() method is obsolete and should not be used, as it does not take the new editor modes into account. Instead use the viewer.toolbarLayout property and viewer.applyToolbarLayout() method.
Updated Properties dialog style.
Updated behavior of Annotation and Form editor's sidebar.
Updated close button style and added translation keys to Properties dialog.
Link annotation can now be navigated in editor mode.
Sidebar pinned state is not retained when switching from editor mode to viewer mode.
Properties panel does not collapse when button 'back to view tools' clicked in some cases.
Fixed problem with incorrect color conversion (ColorUtils, hexToRgb) when color argument is specified using rgb model.
Fixed the incorrect thumbnail scale when browser zoom level changed.