Added Layers panel which lists and enables users to show/hide individual PDF layers (optional content).
Added ability to edit document without switching to Annotation Editor or Form Editor modes.
Added support for second horizontal toolbar.
Added secondary editing toolbars to the main viewer toolbar: "Text tools", "Draw tools", "Attachments and stamps", "Form tools", "Page tools".
Added API to display a custom second toolbar.
Added Light and Dark themes.
Support page content accessibility for tagged PDFs containing logical structure information for screen readers.
Added ability to show the structure tree of tagged PDFs.
Added goToPage method: navigate to the page with a specified 0-based index.
Added option maxCanvasPixels: maximum supported canvas size in pixels, i.e. width * height. Undefined or -1 means no limit.
Added the ability to use GET method to submit a form.
Action reset: added support for FieldNames, ExcludeSpecifiedFields and Next properties.
Added new option fieldsAppearance - specifies how form fields are rendered.
Added enableXfa option: render XFA (XML Forms Architecture) forms if any; the default is true.
Added requireTheme option. Use this option to apply a built-in CSS theme, this will inject the theme styles directly into the page head.
Added onThemeChanged event: raised when the user changes the viewer theme.
Added onInitialized option: the onInitialized handler will be called immediately after the viewer is instantiated.
Multiple bug fixes.
All public APIs that used page numbers now use zero-based page indices.
PDF.js library was updated from v2.0.943 to v2.10.377, see [PDF.js Release Notes].
Method goToPageNumber deprecated, use goToPage method or pageIndex property instead.
By default, radio buttons and checkboxes now do not use predefined appearances from the PDF.
Use the fieldsAppearance option to revert to the old behavior:
[SupportApi client] The ping() method has been deprecated and is no longer used; instead, the serverVersion() method is used.
Properties SubmitForm/ResetForm renamed to submitForm/resetForm.