Added ability to specify boolean value for snap tolerance and disable vertical or horizontal snap.
Added alignment property for Comb-text field.
Added support for JavaScript actions from additional-actions dictionary for field widgets.
Added 'highlight all' feature for Search panel.
Added zoomMode property.
Added snap alignment in Annotation/Form editor, enabled by default. Press Alt key if you wish to temporarily disable snap during resize or move action.
Arrow keys move the current element and Shift-arrow resize the element in Annotation/Form editor.
Viewer search improvements:
Proximity search
Starts with/ends with
Added the ability to copy and paste annotations or fields in Annotation/Form editor.
Added the ability to clone the current annotation/field in Annotation/Form editor.
Added text annotation reply tool (opens on the right side of the viewer). To enable, use the addReplyTool() method.
Added viewer context menu and the ability to customize it.
Added editorDefaults option, use this option if you wish to change some default editor values.
Show the total number of results in the search panel.
Free text annotation: property Color renamed to Backcolor; property Border color replaced by Forecolor.
Text annotation: group all replies to an annotation together as threaded comments.
Form editor: field captions in the list now show field names.
Added the ability to collapse the property panel pages using the chevron icon.
Miscellaneous bug fixes.