The following features have been added to this version of the product:
Fixed the issue of not submitting a comment by pressing the Enter key on the 'Done' button.
Fixed the issues with loading large files.
Fixed the issue of not deactivating Edit mode when switching the viewer layout from the annotation editor while the second toolbar is open.
Fixed the issue of highlighting the space before the found text when searching for a text.
Enhanced the behavior and appearance of the context menu and added the ability to add a note to selected text.
Removed the text markup menu that automatically popped up on text selection. The main context menu includes that menu as a submenu.
Added the `showContextMenuOnSelection` option to control the context menu behavior when text is selected. The option has the following values:
"Auto": Automatically determines whether to show the context menu based on the device type.
"On": Always shows the context menu when text is selected.
"Off": Never shows the context menu when text is selected.
The default value is "Auto." On systems with mice, "Auto" behaves like "Off." On small devices (phones, tablets) without mice, "Auto" behaves like "On.".
Updated context menu texts in the Reply Tool. (DOC-6014)
Added support for rich media annotations (play embedded audio or video, modify rich media annotations).
Reply Tool Improvements:
Added the ability to delete a comment item using the Delete key. Enabled navigation through comment items using the TAB and Arrow keys.
Added the ability to resize the right sidebar element.
The Reply Tool now activates automatically when a markup annotation or text comment is added via the context menu, focusing on the new comment in the list.
The color for ReplyTool icons has been removed.
Split ISupportApi into base and multi-user parts and added the ability to specify a custom implementation for SupportApi that conforms to the ISupportApiBase interface.