Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
Working with C1Report / Advanced Uses / Custom Data Sources / Writing Your Own Custom Recordset Object
In This Topic
    Writing Your Own Custom Recordset Object
    In This Topic

    For the ultimate in data source customization, you can implement your own data source object. This option is indicated in situations where:

    1. Your data is already loaded in memory.
    2. Some or all of the data is calculated on demand, and does not even exist until you request it.
    3. The data comes from disparate data sources and you don't have an easy way to create a standard DataTable object from it.

    To implement your own data source object, you need to create an object that implements the IC1ReportRecordset interface. This interface contains a few simple methods described in the reference section of this document.

    After you have created the custom data source object, all you need to do is create an instance of it and assign that to the Recordset property.

    For the complete project, see the CustomData sample, which is installed in the ComponentOne Samples folder.