ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET WebForms
Working with GridView for ASP.NET Web Forms / Keyboard Navigation
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    Keyboard Navigation
    In This Topic

    At run time you can navigate through the grid using keyboard navigation. Available keyboard navigation is similar to products like Microsoft Excel, to make it easier for users to intuitively navigate the grid. Keyboard navigation also allows greater accessibility in navigating and manipulating the grid.

    The following table describes the possible interactions:



    Up Arrow

    Moves the focus to one cell up.

    Down Arrow

    Moves the focus to one cell down.

    Left Arrow

    Moves the focus by one cell to the left.

    Right Arrow

    Moves the focus by one cell to the right.


    Moves the focus to the first cell of the current row.


    Moves the focus to the last cell of the current row.

    Page Up

    Moves the focus to the first cell of the current column.

    Page Down

    Moves the focus to the last cell of the current column.


    Moves the focus to the next cell of the current row. When last cell of the grid is in focus, Tab key press moves the focus to the first cell of the GridView. When KeyActionTab property of C1GridView is set to MoveAcrossOut, the focus shifts from last cell to the next control on pressing the Tab key.