ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET WebForms
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    Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studios. Samples can be accessed from the ComponentOne ControlExplorer. The ControlExplorer sample includes a section that details some of the functionality available in the C1GridView control.

    C# Samples

    The following pages within the ControlExplorer sample installed with ASP.NET Web Forms Edition detail the C1GridView control's functionality:

    for ASP.NET Web Forms
    Sample Description
    Overview The C1GridView displays the values of a data source in a table where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. This sample demonstrates a simple sortable grid.
    CustomEditing The C1GridView supports server editing. This sample shows how to use custom data binding to bind the C1GridView to a dataset stored in the session object, how to use template fields to implement custom editors and how to use UpdateBindings collections of the template fields to automatically update the dataset with the Update method when custom data binding is used.
    ClientSideSelection C1GridView supports several modes of client-side cell selection. This sample shows these modes and demonstrates how to use the client-side object model to change selection mode without sending requests to the server.
    Filtering The C1GridView supports an intuitive user interface for filtering the rows in the grid. This sample demonstrates filtering.
    Columns This sample shows how to use bands to organize column headers into a hierarchical structure. It also shows you how to sort columns and use a drag-and-drop operation to reorder columns.
    Paging Paging is allowed if the AllowPaging property is set to True. This sample demonstrates paging.
    GroupArea The C1GridView supports data grouping against one or more columns. The column will be grouped if the GroupInfo.Position property is set to a value other than None. This sample demonstrates grouping.
    Aggregates The C1GridView supports aggregates calculation against one or more grouped columns. It is possible to calculate aggregate values for each group of data rows. An aggregate can be calculate for any column with compatible data type if the column is preceded by a grouped column. C1GridView supports aggregate functions like Sum, Count, Min, Max and other.
    Scrolling The C1GridView supports both horizontal and vertical scrolling. Scrolling is allowed if the ScrollingSettings.Mode property is set to value other than None. When scrolling is used, C1GridView's header is automatically fixed.
    CurrentCell The C1GridView supports operations on the current cell. The current cell is a data cell having focus. C1GridView highlights the current cell position, tracks it changes, and allows the retrieval of data value.
    GroupRowsCustomStyling In this sample group header cells are styled using the .wijmo-wijgrid .wijmo-wijgrid-groupheaderrow CSS sequence.
    ClientSideEditing The C1GridView supports client editing. This sample shows how to update a dataset stored in the session object when client editing is used and how to provide client-side custom editors.
    Merging The C1GridView supports row merging. Identical values of the particular column can be spanned within a single cell. Row merging is allowed if the RowMerge property of the column is set to value other than None.
    Sorting This sample demonstrates sorting. Sorting is allowed if the AllowSorting property is set to True. End-user sorting is allowed if the SortExpression property of the column is set to non-empty value.