GridView for ASP.NET Web Forms provides visual editing to make it easier to create a grid application. The following sections describe how to use C1GridView's design-time environment to configure the C1GridView control:
Tasks Menu
A smart tag represents a shortcut tasks menu that provides the most commonly used properties in each control. You can invoke each control's tasks menu by clicking on the smart tag () in the upper-right corner of the control. For more information on how to use the smart tag in C1GridView, see C1GridView Smart Tag.
Context Menu
The context menu represents a shortcut menu that provides common Visual Studio commands, as well as commands specific to the C1GridView control. You can display the C1GridView context menu by right-clicking anywhere on the grid. For more information on how to use the context menu in C1GridView, see C1GridView Context Menu.
Property Builder
Quickly customize the appearance and behavior of the C1GridView control using the C1GridView Properties dialog box. For more information on how to access and use the Property builder in C1GridView, see Property Builder.
Properties Window
You can also easily configure C1GridView at design time using the Properties window in Visual Studio. You can access the Properties window by right-clicking the control and selecting Properties.