Task-Based Help / Positioning Chart Labels
Positioning Chart Labels

You can use the Position property to specify where to position the chart labels: outside or inside and the Compass property to indicate which side to show the bubble's label: north, south, east, or west. To set the bubble chart label outside the bubble and to the north of the bubble, complete the following:

Changing the Chart Label's Position and Compass in Design View:

To change the chart label's position and compass, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the ChartLabel node in the BubbleChart properties window.
  2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to Position and select Outside.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to Compass and select North.

Changing the Chart Label's Position and Compass in Source View

To change the marker type for the first series in Source view, set the Position and Compass properties inside the ChartLabel tag so that the tag resembles the following:

To write code in Source View

<ChartLabel Position="Outside" Compass="North"></ChartLabel>

This Topic Illustrates the Following:

The following image shows a C1BubbleChart with the labels positioned on the outside right above the bubbles: