Task-Based Help / Creating Negative X and Y BubbleChartSeries Values
In This Topic
Creating Negative X and Y BubbleChartSeries Values
In This Topic

To create negative X and Y values for the BubbleChartSeries, set the X and Y Origin to zero so that it displays the negative values on the left side of the axis and only the positive values on the right side of the axis.

This topic illustrates how to display negative X and Y BubbleChartSeries values on the C1BubbleChart in Design View and Source view.

Creating Negative X and Y values in Design View:

To create negative X and Y values for your C1BubbleChart, follow these steps:

  1. Click C1BubbleChart's smart tag to open the C1BubbleChart Tasks menu.
  2. Click the SeriesList item. The BubbleChartSeries Collection Editor appears.
  3. In the BubbleChartSeries Collection Editor, click the Add button once add a new BubbleChartSeries to the BubbleChart.
  4. Select the member and set the following properties for the BubbleChartSeries. Use the DoubleValue for each ChartXData, ChartYData, and Y1 values.
    Member Label XData YData Y1Data
    0 West -5, 14, 20, 18, 22 -5500, 12200, 60000, 24400, 32000 3, 12, 33, 10, 42
  5. Click OK to close and save the collection editor.
  6. In the BubbleChart properties window expand the Axis->X node and set the Origin property to 0.
  7. Expand the Axis->Y node and set the Origin property to 0.

Creating Negative X and Y values in Source View:

To create negative X and Y values for your C1BubbleChart, follow these steps:

Click C1BubbleChart's smart tag to open the C1BubbleChart Tasks menu.

To write code in Source View

<cc1:C1BubbleChart runat="server" ID="BubbleChart1" MinimumSize="3" MaximumSize="15" Height="400" Width = "500">
<X Origin="0" Text=""></X>
<Y Origin="0" Text=""></Y>
<Header Text="Hardware Distribution"></Header>
<ChartLabel Position="Outside"></ChartLabel>
<cc1:BubbleChartSeries Label="West" LegendEntry="true">
<cc1:ChartXData DoubleValue="-5" />
<cc1:ChartXData DoubleValue="14" />
<cc1:ChartXData DoubleValue="20" />
<cc1:ChartXData DoubleValue="18" />
<cc1:ChartXData DoubleValue="22" />
<cc1:ChartYData DoubleValue="-5500" />
<cc1:ChartYData DoubleValue="12200" />
<cc1:ChartYData DoubleValue="60000" />
<cc1:ChartYData DoubleValue="24400" />
<cc1:ChartYData DoubleValue="32000" />
<Y1 DoubleValues="3,12,33,10,42" />

This Topic Illustrates the Following:

The following image shows a C1BubbleChart with negative X and Y values:

See Also