Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other ComponentOne development tools included with ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.
C# Samples
The following pages within the ControlExplorer sample installed with ASP.NET Web Forms Edition detail the C1BubbleChart control's functionality:
Sample | Description |
ChartMarker | This sample uses seriesList's Markers type property. The type can set to Circle, Tri, InvertedTri, Box, Diamond, and Cross. |
DataBind | This sample shows how to use the C1BubbleChartBinding Xfield, XfieldType, Yfield, and YfieldType properties to bind the C1BubbleChart to an access data source. |
InvisibleLabel | This sample shows how to use the InvisibleMarkLabels property to hide specific bubbles in the C1BubbleChart. |
Negative | This sample illustrates negative X and Yvalues in the Bubble chart. |
OutsideLabel | This sample shows how to position the chart labels outside by assigning the Outside value to the ChartLabels.Position property and it also shows how to use the ChartLabels.Compass property to speficy the location, North, South, East, or West. |
Overview | This sample shows how to create a simple Bubble chart using one series. |
Symbols | This sample use Markers to customize the gauge background image. |