Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel Package / DataImportOptions Class

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    DataImportOptions Class Methods
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    For a list of all members of this type, see DataImportOptions members.

    Public Methods
    Public MethodGets columns selector. It selects columns to import. The default behavior is to auto-generate all columns.  
    Public MethodDetermines whether to include column header as the first row when importing data.  
    Public MethodDetermines how to handle insufficient space when importing data.  
    Public MethodGets the item type provider. It gets item type from the specified java.lang.Iterable<T> or array.The type is used to generate columns. The default behavior is to try to get the item type from the array, then try to get type from the first item.  
    Public MethodSets columns selector. It selects columns to import. The default behavior is to auto-generate all columns.  
    Public MethodDetermines whether to include column header as the first row when importing data.  
    Public MethodSets the item type provider. It gets item type from the specified java.lang.Iterable<T> or array.The type is used to generate columns. The default behavior is to try to get the item type from the array, then try to get type from the first item.  
    See Also