DataImportOptions Class Methods
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see DataImportOptions members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| getColumnsSelector | Gets columns selector. It selects columns to import. The default behavior is to auto-generate all columns. |
| getIncludeColumnsHeader | Determines whether to include column header as the first row when importing data. |
| getInsufficientSpaceHandling | Determines how to handle insufficient space when importing data. |
| getItemTypeProvider | Gets the item type provider. It gets item type from the specified java.lang.Iterable<T> or array.The type is used to generate columns. The default behavior is to try to get the item type from the array, then try to get type from the first item. |
| setColumnsSelector | Sets columns selector. It selects columns to import. The default behavior is to auto-generate all columns. |
| setIncludeColumnsHeader | Determines whether to include column header as the first row when importing data. |
| setItemTypeProvider | Sets the item type provider. It gets item type from the specified java.lang.Iterable<T> or array.The type is used to generate columns. The default behavior is to try to get the item type from the array, then try to get type from the first item. |
See Also