Class XlsxSaveOptions
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
final boolean
Gets whether to exclude any empty cells(cells with no data or only style) outside the used data range.
final boolean
Gets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Define name.
final boolean
Gets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Cell styles.
final boolean
Gets whether treat formula cells as value cells.
final boolean
Gets whether to include the automatically merged cells.
final boolean
Gets whether to include the binding source when saving the file.
final boolean
Gets a bool indicating whether to save workbook in compact mode, the default value is false.
The password for the xlsx file.
final void
Sets whether to exclude any empty cells(cells with no data or only style) outside the used data range.
final void
Sets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Define name.
final void
Sets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Cell styles.
final void
Sets whether treat formula cells as value cells.
final void
Sets whether to include the automatically merged cells.
final void
Sets whether to include the binding source when saving the file.
final void
Sets a bool indicating whether to save workbook in compact mode, the default value is false.
final void
The password for the xlsx file.
Constructor Details
public XlsxSaveOptions()
Method Details
public final String getPassword()
The password for the xlsx file.
public final void setPassword(String value)
The password for the xlsx file.
public final boolean getIsCompactMode()
Gets a bool indicating whether to save workbook in compact mode, the default value is false.
public final void setIsCompactMode(boolean value)
Sets a bool indicating whether to save workbook in compact mode, the default value is false.
public final boolean getExcludeUnusedStyles()
Gets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Cell styles. Default is false.
public final void setExcludeUnusedStyles(boolean value)
Sets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Cell styles. Default is false.
public final boolean getExcludeUnusedNames()
Gets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Define name. Default is false.
public final void setExcludeUnusedNames(boolean value)
Sets whether to exclude user-defined but never used Define name. Default is false.
public final boolean getExcludeEmptyRegionCells()
Gets whether to exclude any empty cells(cells with no data or only style) outside the used data range. Default is false.
public final void setExcludeEmptyRegionCells(boolean value)
Sets whether to exclude any empty cells(cells with no data or only style) outside the used data range. Default is false.
public final boolean getIncludeBindingSource()
Gets whether to include the binding source when saving the file. Default value is true.
public final void setIncludeBindingSource(boolean value)
Sets whether to include the binding source when saving the file.
public final boolean getIncludeAutoMergedCells()
Gets whether to include the automatically merged cells. The default value is false.
public final void setIncludeAutoMergedCells(boolean value)
Sets whether to include the automatically merged cells. The default value is false.