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Class PageSettings


public class PageSettings extends Object
Represent the settings of the page.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final boolean
    Returns whether to align the header and the footer with the margins set in the page setup options.
    final boolean
    Returns whether the elements of the document will be printed in black and white.
    final double
    Returns the size of the bottom margin, in points.
    final String
    Returns the alignment of text on the center footer of the page.
    final IGraphic
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the footer.
    final String
    Returns the alignment of text on the center header of the page.
    final IGraphic
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the header.
    final boolean
    Returns whether the sheet is centered horizontally on the page when it's printed.
    final boolean
    Returns whether the sheet is centered vertically on the page when it's printed.
    final boolean
    Returns whether the sheet will be printed without graphics.
    final double
    Returns the size of the footer margin, in points.
    final double
    Returns the size of the header margin, in points.
    final String
    Returns the alignment of text on the left footer of the page.
    final IGraphic
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the footer.
    final String
    Returns the alignment of text on the left header of the page.
    final IGraphic
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the header.
    final double
    Returns the size of the left margin, in points.
    final double
    Returns the height in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    final double
    Returns the width in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    Returns an PrintErrors contstant specifying the type of print error displayed.
    final boolean
    Returns whether cell gridlines are printed on the page.
    final String
    Returns the alignment of text on the right footer of the page.
    final IGraphic
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the footer.
    final String
    Returns the alignment of text on the right header of the page.
    final IGraphic
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the header.
    final double
    Returns the size of the right margin, in points.
    final boolean
    Returns if the header and footer should be scaled with the document when the size of the document changes.
    final double
    Returns the size of the top margin, in points.
    final void
    Sets whether to align the header and the footer with the margins set in the page setup options.
    final void
    setBlackAndWhite(boolean value)
    Sets whether the elements of the document will be printed in black and white.
    final void
    setBottomMargin(double value)
    Sets the size of the bottom margin, in points.
    final void
    Sets the alignment of text on the center footer of the page.
    final void
    Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the footer.
    final void
    Sets the alignment of text on the center header of the page.
    final void
    Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the header.
    final void
    setCenterHorizontally(boolean value)
    Sets whether the sheet is centered horizontally on the page when it's printed.
    final void
    setCenterVertically(boolean value)
    Sets whether the sheet is centered vertically on the page when it's printed.
    final void
    setDraft(boolean value)
    Sets whether the sheet will be printed without graphics.
    final void
    setFooterMargin(double value)
    Sets the size of the footer margin, in points.
    final void
    setHeaderMargin(double value)
    Sets the size of the header margin, in points.
    final void
    Sets the alignment of text on the left footer of the page.
    final void
    Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the footer.
    final void
    Sets the alignment of text on the left header of the page.
    final void
    Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the header.
    final void
    setLeftMargin(double value)
    Sets the size of the left margin, in points.
    final void
    setPaperHeight(double value)
    Sets the height in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    final void
    setPaperWidth(double value)
    Sets the width in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    final void
    Sets an PrintErrors contstant specifying the type of print error displayed.
    final void
    setPrintGridlines(boolean value)
    Sets whether cell gridlines are printed on the page.
    final void
    Sets the alignment of text on the right footer of the page.
    final void
    Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the footer.
    final void
    Sets the alignment of text on the right header of the page.
    final void
    Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the header.
    final void
    setRightMargin(double value)
    Sets the size of the right margin, in points.
    final void
    Sets if the header and footer should be scaled with the document when the size of the document changes.
    final void
    setTopMargin(double value)
    Sets the size of the top margin, in points.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • PageSettings

      public PageSettings()
  • Method Details

    • getScaleWithDocHeaderFooter

      public final boolean getScaleWithDocHeaderFooter()
      Returns if the header and footer should be scaled with the document when the size of the document changes.
    • setScaleWithDocHeaderFooter

      public final void setScaleWithDocHeaderFooter(boolean value)
      Sets if the header and footer should be scaled with the document when the size of the document changes.
    • getCenterFooter

      public final String getCenterFooter()
      Returns the alignment of text on the center footer of the page.
    • setCenterFooter

      public final void setCenterFooter(String value)
      Sets the alignment of text on the center footer of the page.
    • getLeftFooter

      public final String getLeftFooter()
      Returns the alignment of text on the left footer of the page.
    • setLeftFooter

      public final void setLeftFooter(String value)
      Sets the alignment of text on the left footer of the page.
    • getRightFooter

      public final String getRightFooter()
      Returns the alignment of text on the right footer of the page.
    • setRightFooter

      public final void setRightFooter(String value)
      Sets the alignment of text on the right footer of the page.
    • getLeftHeader

      public final String getLeftHeader()
      Returns the alignment of text on the left header of the page.
    • setLeftHeader

      public final void setLeftHeader(String value)
      Sets the alignment of text on the left header of the page.
    • getCenterHeader

      public final String getCenterHeader()
      Returns the alignment of text on the center header of the page.
    • setCenterHeader

      public final void setCenterHeader(String value)
      Sets the alignment of text on the center header of the page.
    • getRightHeader

      public final String getRightHeader()
      Returns the alignment of text on the right header of the page.
    • setRightHeader

      public final void setRightHeader(String value)
      Sets the alignment of text on the right header of the page.
    • getCenterFooterPicture

      public final IGraphic getCenterFooterPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the footer. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • setCenterFooterPicture

      public final void setCenterFooterPicture(IGraphic value)
      Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the footer. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • getLeftFooterPicture

      public final IGraphic getLeftFooterPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the footer. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • setLeftFooterPicture

      public final void setLeftFooterPicture(IGraphic value)
      Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the footer. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • getRightFooterPicture

      public final IGraphic getRightFooterPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the footer. Used to set attributes of the picture.
    • setRightFooterPicture

      public final void setRightFooterPicture(IGraphic value)
      Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the footer. Used to set attributes of the picture.
    • getLeftHeaderPicture

      public final IGraphic getLeftHeaderPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the header. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • setLeftHeaderPicture

      public final void setLeftHeaderPicture(IGraphic value)
      Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the header. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • getCenterHeaderPicture

      public final IGraphic getCenterHeaderPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the header. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • setCenterHeaderPicture

      public final void setCenterHeaderPicture(IGraphic value)
      Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the center section of the header. Used to set attributes about the picture.
    • getRightHeaderPicture

      public final IGraphic getRightHeaderPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the header. Used to set attributes of the picture.
    • setRightHeaderPicture

      public final void setRightHeaderPicture(IGraphic value)
      Sets a IGraphic object that represents the picture for the right section of the header. Used to set attributes of the picture.
    • getBlackAndWhite

      public final boolean getBlackAndWhite()
      Returns whether the elements of the document will be printed in black and white.
    • setBlackAndWhite

      public final void setBlackAndWhite(boolean value)
      Sets whether the elements of the document will be printed in black and white.
    • getDraft

      public final boolean getDraft()
      Returns whether the sheet will be printed without graphics.
    • setDraft

      public final void setDraft(boolean value)
      Sets whether the sheet will be printed without graphics.
    • getPrintGridlines

      public final boolean getPrintGridlines()
      Returns whether cell gridlines are printed on the page. Applies only to worksheets.
    • setPrintGridlines

      public final void setPrintGridlines(boolean value)
      Sets whether cell gridlines are printed on the page. Applies only to worksheets.
    • getPrintErrors

      public final PrintErrors getPrintErrors()
      Returns an PrintErrors contstant specifying the type of print error displayed. This feature allows users to suppress the display of error values when printing a worksheet.
    • setPrintErrors

      public final void setPrintErrors(PrintErrors value)
      Sets an PrintErrors contstant specifying the type of print error displayed. This feature allows users to suppress the display of error values when printing a worksheet.
    • getAlignMarginsHeaderFooter

      public final boolean getAlignMarginsHeaderFooter()
      Returns whether to align the header and the footer with the margins set in the page setup options.
    • setAlignMarginsHeaderFooter

      public final void setAlignMarginsHeaderFooter(boolean value)
      Sets whether to align the header and the footer with the margins set in the page setup options.
    • getCenterHorizontally

      public final boolean getCenterHorizontally()
      Returns whether the sheet is centered horizontally on the page when it's printed.
    • setCenterHorizontally

      public final void setCenterHorizontally(boolean value)
      Sets whether the sheet is centered horizontally on the page when it's printed.
    • getCenterVertically

      public final boolean getCenterVertically()
      Returns whether the sheet is centered vertically on the page when it's printed.
    • setCenterVertically

      public final void setCenterVertically(boolean value)
      Sets whether the sheet is centered vertically on the page when it's printed.
    • getLeftMargin

      public final double getLeftMargin()
      Returns the size of the left margin, in points.
    • setLeftMargin

      public final void setLeftMargin(double value)
      Sets the size of the left margin, in points.
    • getTopMargin

      public final double getTopMargin()
      Returns the size of the top margin, in points.
    • setTopMargin

      public final void setTopMargin(double value)
      Sets the size of the top margin, in points.
    • getRightMargin

      public final double getRightMargin()
      Returns the size of the right margin, in points.
    • setRightMargin

      public final void setRightMargin(double value)
      Sets the size of the right margin, in points.
    • getBottomMargin

      public final double getBottomMargin()
      Returns the size of the bottom margin, in points.
    • setBottomMargin

      public final void setBottomMargin(double value)
      Sets the size of the bottom margin, in points.
    • getHeaderMargin

      public final double getHeaderMargin()
      Returns the size of the header margin, in points.
    • setHeaderMargin

      public final void setHeaderMargin(double value)
      Sets the size of the header margin, in points.
    • getFooterMargin

      public final double getFooterMargin()
      Returns the size of the footer margin, in points.
    • setFooterMargin

      public final void setFooterMargin(double value)
      Sets the size of the footer margin, in points.
    • getPaperWidth

      public final double getPaperWidth()
      Returns the width in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    • setPaperWidth

      public final void setPaperWidth(double value)
      Sets the width in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    • getPaperHeight

      public final double getPaperHeight()
      Returns the height in points of the paper, considered page orientation.
    • setPaperHeight

      public final void setPaperHeight(double value)
      Sets the height in points of the paper, considered page orientation.