Class TextFormatInfo
public class TextFormatInfo
extends Object
Describes font and layout options for drawing text.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
final boolean
Gets the top-level font weight for the content of the element.
Gets a family of related fonts.
final double
Gets the desired font size to use in points.
final boolean
Gets the font style for the content of the element.
final void
Sets the top-level font weight for the content of the element.
final void
Sets a family of related fonts.
final void
Sets the desired font size to use in points.
final void
Sets the font style for the content of the element.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Details
public TextFormatInfo()
Method Details
public final String getFontFamily()
Gets a family of related fonts.
public final void setFontFamily(String value)
Sets a family of related fonts.
public final double getFontSize()
Gets the desired font size to use in points.
public final void setFontSize(double value)
Sets the desired font size to use in points.
public final boolean getBold()
Gets the top-level font weight for the content of the element.
True if font weight is bold (700). Otherwise, font weight is normal or regular (400).
public final void setBold(boolean value)
Sets the top-level font weight for the content of the element.
True if font weight is bold (700). Otherwise, font weight is normal or regular (400).
public final boolean getItalic()
Gets the font style for the content of the element.
True if font style is italic. Otherwise, font style is normal.
public final void setItalic(boolean value)
Sets the font style for the content of the element.
True if font style is italic. Otherwise, font style is normal.