Returns int[] (IntArray in Kotlin) to select columns by indexes for the specified ResultSet.
Returns String[] to select columns by namesfor the specified ResultSet, dictionary or custom object.
Returns property getter array Function[](where T is the element type of collection, R is the property type)to select columns with custom column getters. In this case, getIncludeColumnsHeader() must be false. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. Because we don't know the column names.
Returns named property getter array AbstractMap.SimpleEntry[](where K is column name String, V is property getter Function; For each Function, T is the element type of collection, R is the property type)to select columns with custom column names and custom column getters. In this case, getIncludeColumnsHeader() should be true. Otherwise, the column names will be ignored.
Returns int[] (IntArray in Kotlin) to select columns by indexes for the specified ResultSet.
Returns String[] to select columns by namesfor the specified ResultSet, dictionary or custom object.
Returns property getter array Function[](where T is the element type of collection, R is the property type)to select columns with custom column getters. In this case, getIncludeColumnsHeader() must be false. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. Because we don't know the column names.
Returns named property getter array AbstractMap.SimpleEntry[](where K is column name String, V is property getter Function; For each Function, T is the element type of collection, R is the property type)to select columns with custom column names and custom column getters. In this case, getIncludeColumnsHeader() should be true. Otherwise, the column names will be ignored.
Gets the item type provider. It gets item type from the specified Iterable or array.The type is used to generate columns. The default behavior is to try to get the item type from the array, then try to get type from the first item.
Sets the item type provider. It gets item type from the specified Iterable or array.The type is used to generate columns. The default behavior is to try to get the item type from the array, then try to get type from the first item.