Document Solutions for PDF
Features / Annotations / Text Annotation
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    Text Annotation
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    Text annotation represents a sticky note attached to a point in a PDF file. Upon closing, the annotation appears as an icon, and upon opening, it displays a pop-up window with the text of the note in the size and font selected by the viewer application. DsPdf provides TextAnnotation class to enable users to apply text annotations to the PDF document.

    Text annotation in a PDF file

    TextAnnotation class provides the following properties to set various options for the text annotation:

    Property Description
    UserName Adds the user name to the text label in the title bar of the annotation’s pop-up window when the annotation is open and active.
    Subject Adds the text representing the subject of the annotation.
    Contents Adds the text to the annotation for display.
    RichText Adds the text to the annotation for display in the pop-up window when opened. You can format this text using HTML tags.
    Opacity Sets the opacity of the annotation.
    Color Sets the annotation color, popup window color, line color, etc.
    Icon Sets the type of the icon to display the annotation.
    Open Sets a flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open.
    State Sets the state of original annotation.
    StateModel Sets the state model corresponding to State.
    PdfRect Sets the rectangle that defines the location and size of the annotation on a page in PDF user space coordinates. The positive X axis extends horizontally to the right, and the positive Y axis extends vertically upward, with the origin usually in the lower left corner of the page.

    Refer to the following example code to add a text annotation to a PDF document:

    Copy Code
    public void CreateTextAnnotation()
        GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
        Page page = doc.NewPage();
        RectangleF rc = new RectangleF(50, 50, 200, 50);
        page.Graphics.DrawString("A red text annotation initially open is placed to the right of this note.",
            new TextFormat() { Font = StandardFonts.Times, FontSize = 11 }, rc);
        //Create an instance of TextAnnotation class and set its relevant properties
        var textAnnot = new TextAnnotation()
            UserName = "Jamie Smith",
            Contents = "This is a text annotation in red color.",
            PdfRect = new RectangleF(rc.Right, rc.Top, 72 * 2, 72),
            Color = Color.Red,
            Open = true
        page.Annotations.Add(textAnnot); //Add the text annotation