Changed 'net461' .NET Framework target to 'net462.'
Removed RedactOptions.RenderOptions.EnableFontHinting property.
Enabled the use of one-byte character encoding if possible; see PdfFontFormat (can be reverted to two-byte encoding in user code).
Added PdfFontFormat enum: This specifies available formats used to represent a font in a PDF document.
Added GcPdfDocument.PdfFontFormat property: This gets or sets the format used to represent fonts in the current document.
Added FontHandler.PdfFontFormat property: This gets or sets the format used to represent the font in a document.
Added the ability for precise control over which annotations to include when saving a PDF page as an image.
Added SaveAsImageOptions.DrawAnnotationFilterCallback delegate: This represents a delegate that defines the method signature for deciding which annotations to draw.
Added SaveAsImageOptions.DrawAnnotationFilter property: This gets or sets a callback method that will be used to decide which annotations to draw.
Added RedactOptions.CopyImagesOnRedact property: This indicates whether images within the redacted area that also appear in other locations will be copied before applying the redact.
Added the ability to use object streams when saving a PDF, which can significantly reduce the file size of the PDF.
Added UseObjectStreams enum: This defines how to use object streams when saving a PDF document.
Added SavePdfOptions class: This represents options used by the GcPdfDocument.Save(), GcPdfDocument.Sign() and GcPdfDocument.TimeStamp() methods.
Added SavePdfOptions.PdfStreamHandling property: This controls how existing PDF streams will be handled when the document is saved.
Added SavePdfOptions.Mode property: This specifies the PDF save mode.
Added SavePdfOptions.UseObjectStreams property: This indicates whether to use object streams when saving the PDF.
Resolved several issues related to text output.