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New Features and Improvements

  • Added TextFormat.EnableFontHinting property, true by default. It enables executing TrueType hinting instructions on rendering text using BitmapRenderer.

  • Added Font.EnableHinting property, true by default. If set to false, it prevents executing TrueType hinting instructions in BitmapRenderer for the current font.

  • Added TextLayout.Append() overloads that allow to append an array of UTF-32 code points to the TextLayout.

  • Added static GcHtmlRenderer.SetGcPdfLicenseKey() and instance GcHtmlRenderer.ApplyGcPdfLicenseKey() methods. It allows to create up to five PDFs without a license.

  • Added static GcHtmlRenderer.SetGcImagingLicenseKey() and instance GcHtmlRenderer.ApplyGcImagingLicenseKey() methods. It allows to create up to five images without a license.

  • Added PdfSettings.TaggedPdf Boolean property. It allows to generate tagged (accessible) PDF files from HTML.

  • Added GcHtmlRenderer.AuthServerWhitelist property. It allows to authenticate the user with Integrated Authentication to an Intranet server or proxy without prompting the user for a user name or password.

  • Added GcHtmlRenderer.ProxyServer property. It allows to use a custom proxy configuration.

  • Added authServerWhitelist and proxyServer parameters to DrawHtml() and MeasureHtml() extension methods.

  • Added support for applying redact annotations.

  • Added Boolean property SaveAsImageOptions.IgnoreErrors (true by default).

  • Added optional Boolean parameter ignoreErrors to Page.Draw() and Page.DrawAnnotations() methods.

  • Added support for JPEG2000 images in PDF when saving PDF file as image.

  • Added WidgetAnnotation.CheckStyle property. It specifies the style of check mark used if the WidgetAnnotation is linked to CheckBoxField or RadioButtonField.

  • Added RadioButtonField.AddItem() method. Creates and adds the WidgetAnnotation to the Field.Widgets collection.

  • Added the ability to add named actions and assign them to GcPdfDocument.OpenAction.

  • Added Boolean property SaveAsImageOptions.Print, which specifies whether an image is generated for printing. Visibility of PDF elements can depend on whether a PDF is previewed or printed. This property affects whether such elements are rendered.

  • Added an optional print parameter to the Page.Draw() method.

  • Added SaveAsImageOptions.EnableFontHinting Boolean property (true by default).

  • Added Signature.Content property, the returned object can be used to fetch additional info from a signature's binary data, e.g. to get the X509Certificate that was used to generate the signature. (DOC-1355)

Changes From the Previous Version

  • In previous versions, RadioButtonField was always rendered as a circle (with a point inside if checked). Now, the look is determined in the same way as for CheckBoxField, see WidgetAnnotation.Border and WidgetAnnotation.CheckStyle.

  • Improved the handling of broken PDF files. Now, DsPdf will try to ignore errors in the PDF content if possible.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the issue where GcHtmlRenderer did not work correctly with file URIs.

  • Fixed the issue where WatermarkAnnotation was not printed when saving PDF as image.

  • Fixed the issue where an exception occurs when building text maps for certain PDFs.

  • Fixed the issue where while creating a PDF with radio buttons, setting FieldFlags.RadiosInUnison to false was ignored.

  • Fixed the incorrect embedding of a subset of IPAmj Mincho font.

  • Fixed the errors that occurred when processing certain PDF files.

  • Fixed the errors that occurred while saving some PDF files to images.

  • Fixed the errors that occurred where Method Page.Draw() works incorrectly if the destination graphics has a non-identity transform.