Added TextFormat.EnableFontHinting property, true by default. It enables executing TrueType hinting instructions on rendering text using BitmapRenderer.
Added Font.EnableHinting property, true by default. If set to false, it prevents executing TrueType hinting instructions in BitmapRenderer for the current font.
Added TextLayout.Append() overloads that allow to append an array of UTF-32 code points to the TextLayout.
Added static GcHtmlRenderer.SetGcPdfLicenseKey() and instance GcHtmlRenderer.ApplyGcPdfLicenseKey() methods. It allows to create up to five PDFs without a license.
Added static GcHtmlRenderer.SetGcImagingLicenseKey() and instance GcHtmlRenderer.ApplyGcImagingLicenseKey() methods. It allows to create up to five images without a license.
Added PdfSettings.TaggedPdf Boolean property. It allows to generate tagged (accessible) PDF files from HTML.
Added GcHtmlRenderer.AuthServerWhitelist property. It allows to authenticate the user with Integrated Authentication to an Intranet server or proxy without prompting the user for a user name or password.
Added GcHtmlRenderer.ProxyServer property. It allows to use a custom proxy configuration.
Added authServerWhitelist and proxyServer parameters to DrawHtml() and MeasureHtml() extension methods.
Added support for applying redact annotations.
Added Boolean property SaveAsImageOptions.IgnoreErrors (true by default).
Added optional Boolean parameter ignoreErrors to Page.Draw() and Page.DrawAnnotations() methods.
Added support for JPEG2000 images in PDF when saving PDF file as image.
Added WidgetAnnotation.CheckStyle property. It specifies the style of check mark used if the WidgetAnnotation is linked to CheckBoxField or RadioButtonField.
Added RadioButtonField.AddItem() method. Creates and adds the WidgetAnnotation to the Field.Widgets collection.
Added the ability to add named actions and assign them to GcPdfDocument.OpenAction.
Added Boolean property SaveAsImageOptions.Print, which specifies whether an image is generated for printing. Visibility of PDF elements can depend on whether a PDF is previewed or printed. This property affects whether such elements are rendered.
Added an optional print parameter to the Page.Draw() method.
Added SaveAsImageOptions.EnableFontHinting Boolean property (true by default).
Added Signature.Content property, the returned object can be used to fetch additional info from a signature's binary data, e.g. to get the X509Certificate that was used to generate the signature. (DOC-1355)
In previous versions, RadioButtonField was always rendered as a circle (with a point inside if checked). Now, the look is determined in the same way as for CheckBoxField, see WidgetAnnotation.Border and WidgetAnnotation.CheckStyle.
Improved the handling of broken PDF files. Now, DsPdf will try to ignore errors in the PDF content if possible.
Fixed the issue where GcHtmlRenderer did not work correctly with file URIs.
Fixed the issue where WatermarkAnnotation was not printed when saving PDF as image.
Fixed the issue where an exception occurs when building text maps for certain PDFs.
Fixed the issue where while creating a PDF with radio buttons, setting FieldFlags.RadiosInUnison to false was ignored.
Fixed the incorrect embedding of a subset of IPAmj Mincho font.
Fixed the errors that occurred when processing certain PDF files.
Fixed the errors that occurred while saving some PDF files to images.
Fixed the errors that occurred where Method Page.Draw() works incorrectly if the destination graphics has a non-identity transform.