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New Features and Improvements

  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.ISignatureParser interface that defines properties and methods that allow parsing and validating a PDF binary signature.

  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.ISignatureBuilder interface that defines methods used to build the signature PDF dictionary and the binary signature container.

  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.IPkcs7SignatureGenerator interface that defines properties and methods that are used to sign the attribute set in a PKCS#7 signature.

  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Security.OID class that represents a cryptographic object identifier. Defines IDs of many popular cryptographic items such as HASH algorithms, encoding algorithms etc.

  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Pkcs7SignatureBuilder class that implements ISignatureBuilder, can be used to build a PKCS#7 signature.

  • Added TimeStamp.HashAlgorithm property that specifies the ID of the hash algorithm used to encode the time-stamp request.

  • Added TimeStamp.HashMethod property that specifies the delegate used to hash the time-stamp request.

  • Added Signature.CreateParser() method that creates an ISignatureParser object that can be used to parse a binary signature.

  • Added SignatureProperties.CreatePAdES_B_B() method that creates a SignatureProperties object and initializes it so that it will create a PAdES B-B signature.

  • Added SignatureProperties.CreatePAdES_B_T() method that creates a SignatureProperties object and initializes it so that it will create a PAdES B-T signature.

  • Added SignatureProperties.SignatureBuilder property that specifies the ISignatureBuilder object used to build the signature.

  • Added TextLayout.SimplifiedAlignment property in GrapeCity.Documents.Common package that specifies whether to use simplified text alignment rules. In particular, the same rules will be applied to narrow and wide (East Asian) characters.

Changes From the Previous Version

  • Enum GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.SignatureFormat marked as obsolete.

  • Enum GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.SignatureDigestAlgorithm marked as obsolete.

  • Property SignatureProperties.SignatureDigestAlgorithm marked as obsolete.

  • Property SignatureProperties.SignatureFormat marked as obsolete.

  • Property SignatureProperties.Certificate marked as obsolete.

Resolved Issues

  • Incorrect fallback font is selected in some cases.

Breaking Changes

  • Property TimeStamp.DigestAlgorithm removed. Use TimeStamp.HashAlgorithm and TimeStamp.HashMethod instead.

  • Class GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Security.SignatureContent removed. Use Signature.CreateParser() instead.