DsPdf .NET 2.0.0 version comes with an evaluation license key that allows users to use the product without any limitations for a time period of 30 days.
DsPdf version 2.x.x.x requires a new license key. Please note this is a free upgrade for the customers who have purchased DsPdf v1 license. Our sales team will send a new license key to the licensed customers.
Property type of GcPdfDocument.CompressionLevel is now changed from integer to standard System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel enumeration. CompressionLevel.NoCompression corresponds to old compression level 0, Fastest to 1, Optimal to 6.
Property type of ViewerPreferences.DisplayDocTitle is now changed to bool. Note that it is written to PDF stream, if it is not null.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
GcPdfDocument could not process encrypted signed files. (DOC-749)
Disabled bold font emulation for semi-bold fonts.
The following features have been added with this version of the product.
Added GcPdfDocument.MergeWithDocument(GcPdfDocument sourceDoc, MergeDocumentOptions options) method. Use this method to combine pages from different PDF documents.
Added constructor FormXObject(GcPdfDocument doc, Page page). It allows to insert pages from a PDF document into another document as images, and allows to duplicate a page reusing page resources.
Added new method GcPdfGraphics.DrawForm(FormXObject, ...) that allows to draw FormXObject on GcPdfGraphics with full support for positioning, scaling and transformations.
Added property Metadata.PdfUa which allows to set the supported version of PDF/UA.
Added IPdfImage.ImageMask property. It indicates whether the image is defined as a stencil mask for painting in the current color.
Added support of AES-256 encryption as specified in Adobe® Supplement to the ISO 32000. To specify 256 bit encryption use the StandardSecurityHandlerRev5 class. Note that StandardSecurityHandlerRev5 is derived from StandardSecurityHandlerRev4, however, its EncryptionAlgorithm and KeyLength can be AES and 256 respectively; this limitation comes from the PDF specification.
Added new action type: ActionHide, hides or shows one or more annotations on the screen by setting or clearing their Hidden flags.
Added ActionBase.Next property that allows to set the next ActionBase or sequence of actions to be performed after this action.
Added property Page.AnnotationsTabsOrder.
Added GcPdfDocument.GetImages(...) and Page.GetImages(...) methods, allowing to enumerate and retrieve images from the whole document or from a specific page respectively.
Added GcPdfDocument.EmbeddedFiles property, which allows to specify document level file attachments.
Added CreationDate, ModificationDate, CheckSum, Size properties to the EmbeddedFileStream class.
This version of the product has the following changes.
Image, GcGraphics, Pen, Brush, TextRenderer classes moved to GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging package, which is now required for DsPdf to work. If you reference the DsPdf NuGet package, after updating to the new DsPdf a reference to GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging package will be added automatically.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
Issue when applying LineSpacingScaleFactor to inline objects in TextLayout.
Single-character line breaks did not work with TextLayout with specified ObjectRects.
Several issues in ContentWidthFitsInBounds and ContentHeightFitsInBounds properties of the TextLayout class.
Unnecessary trimming of trailing spaces in TextLayout.
Exception occurred when loading Font from a stream that does not support seeking. (DOC-707)
TextFormat.Tag property associated with GlyphRun had an incorrect value.
The following features have been added with this version of the product.
Added TrimmingGranularity and EllipsisCharCode properties to TextLayout for text trimming.
Added DelimiterCharCode and DelimiterCharCount properties to TextLayout to specify the portion of text to be preserved from trimming.
Added JustifiedSpaceShrinking property to TextLayout to make justified text more compact.
Added RecalcFontSizeForFallbackFonts property to TextFormat: indicates whether the size of fallback font should be coerced to the size of original font (true by default).
Added the GlyphAdvanceOffset property to TextFormat specifying the additional increment to the glyph advance value.
Added MeasureStringWithTrailingWhitespace() method to GcGraphics.
Added ContentWithWhitespaceBounds and other related properties to TextLayout.
Added font fallback support to combining marks.
The value of GcGraphics.FontCollection is now copied to TextLayout.FontCollection in the GcGraphics.CreateTextLayout() method.
Added opacity parameter to GcGraphics.DrawImage(...) methods.
The following packages now include japanese localized assemblies.