ComponentOne List for WinForms
Design-Time Support / Using the C1List Designer
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    Using the C1List Designer
    In This Topic

    C1List Designer provides various options which can be used to configure the list's behavior and appearance. Besides, it also lets you preview the appearance of the list.

    C1List Designer

    There are three ways in which you can access the C1List Designer at design time as described below.

    List Designer Elements

    C1List Designer allows list fields to be set up easily at design time instead of having to write the code. In the C1List Designer, the right pane displays the list fields and the left pane displays three tabs, namely, Split, Column, and Display Column. The Split tab provides various properties for changing the settings of each split. The Column tab allows you to set various column-specific properties and provides access to Value Collection Editor. The Display Column tab enables you to configure columns in a split. Besides these, the designer also provides toolbars which are discussed in the following sections.


    The C1List Designer contains three tabs namely, Split, Column, and Display Column which provides various options to customize splits, columns, and display columns, respectively.

    Split Tab

    The Split tab provides access to most of properties specific to a Split. In List, splits can be created to present data in multiple horizontal or vertical panes.
    The following SplitCollection object properties are available in the C1List Designer's Split tab:

    Property Description
    AllowColMove Gets or sets a value indicating the ability to move columns.
    AllowColSelect Gets or sets a value indicating the ability to select columns.
    AllowFocus Gets or sets a value indicating whether the split can receive focus.
    AllowHorizontalSizing Gets or sets a value indicating whether a user is allowed to resize horizontal splits.
    AllowRowSizing Gets or sets how interactive row resizing is performed.
    AllowVerticalSizing Gets or sets a value indicating whether a user is allowed to resize vertical splits.
    AlternatingRowStyle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the split uses the OddRowStyle for odd-numbered rows and EvenRowStyle for even-numbered rows.
    Caption Gets or sets the caption.
    CaptionHeight Gets or sets the height of the caption.
    ColumnCaptionHeight Gets or sets the height of the column captions.
    ColumnFooterHeight Gets or sets the height of column footers.
    DisplayColumns Gets a collection of C1DisplayColumn objects.
    EvenRowStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of an even-numbered row when using AlternatingRows.
    ExtendRightColumn Gets or sets a value that determines how the last column will extend to fill the dead area of the split.
    FetchRowStyles Gets or sets a value indicating whether the FetchRowStyle event will be raised.
    FooterStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of column footers.
    GroupColumns Gets a collection of C1DisplayColumn objects.
    HeadingStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of the list's  column headers.
    HighLightRowStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the current row/cell when the MarqueeStyle is set to Highlight Row/Cell.
    HorizontalScrollGroup Gets or sets the group which synchronizes horizontal scrolling between splits.
    HScrollBar Gets the HBar object that controls the appearance of the horizontal scrollbar.
    Name Gets or sets the name of a split.
    OddRowStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of an odd-numbered row when using AlternatingRows.
    RecordSelectorStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of the RecordSelectors.
    SelectedStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of selected rows and columns.
    SplitSize Gets or sets the size of a split.
    SplitSizeMode Gets or sets a value indicating how the SplitSize property is used to determine the actual size of a split.
    Style Gets or sets the root Style object for the Split.
    VerticalScrollGroup Gets or sets the group which synchronizes vertical scrolling between splits.
    VScrollBar Gets the VBar object that controls the appearance of the vertical scrollbar.

    Column Tab

    The following column-specific properties are available in the C1List Designer of the Column tab:

    Property Description
    Caption Gets or sets the text in the column header.
    DataField Gets or sets the database field name for a column.
    DataWidth Gets or sets the maximum number of characters which may be entered for cells in this column.
    DefaultValue Gets or sets the default value for a column when a new row is added by the list.
    FooterText Gets or sets the text displayed in the column footer.
    NumberFormat Gets or sets the formatting string for a column.
    ValueItems Gets the ValueItems object for this column.

    Display Column Tab

    The following display column properties are available in the C1List Designer in the Display Column tab:

    Property Description
    AllowSizing Gets or sets a value indicating whether column resizing is allowed.
    ButtonFooter Gets or sets a value indicating whether a column footer will act like a button.
    ButtonHeader Gets or sets a value indicating whether a column header will act like a button.
    ColumnDivider Gets or sets the style of the border drawn between columns.
    FetchStyle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the FetchCellStyle event will be raised for a column.
    FooterDivider Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the column divider in the footer area.
    FooterStyle Gets or sets the Style object that controls the appearance of column footers.
    HeaderDivider Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the column divider in the header area.
    HeadingStyle Gets or sets the Style that controls the appearance of the column headers.
    Height Gets or sets the height of the column.
    MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width a column can be resized to when in SpringMode.
    Name Gets the caption of the associated C1DataColumn objects.
    OwnerDraw Gets or sets a value indicating whether cells in this column are drawn by the user in the OwnerDrawCell event.
    Style Gets or sets the root Style for this column.
    Visible Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of a column.
    Width Gets or sets the width of a column.


    The C1List Designer provides three toolbars that can be used to customize the list's content and appearance as discussed in the following sections.

    Formatting Toolbar

    The Formatting toolbar allows you to quickly customize the appearance of the column content, including text, alignment, and color.

    Formatting Toolbar

    The following table provides a brief description of the options provided by the Formatting toolbar:

    Command Button Name Command Button Description
    Font icon The drop-down allows youto choose the font.
    Font Size icon Sets the font size.
    Bold icon Select the Bold button to bold the text in the chosen column.
    Italic icon Select the Italic button to italicize the text in the chosen column.
    Underline icon Underlines the text in the chosen column.
    Align Left icon Horizontally aligns the chosen column to the left of the cell.
    Horizontally Center icon Horizontally aligns the content of the chosen column to the center of the cell.
    Align Right icon Horizontally aligns the content of the chosen column to the right of the cell.
    Align Top icon Vertically aligns the content of the chosen column to the top of the cell.
    Vertically Center icon Vertically aligns the content of the chosen column to the center of the cell.
    Align Bottom icon Vertically aligns the content of the chosen column to the bottom of the cell.
    Set Background Color icon Sets the background color of the cells in the chosen column.
    Set Foreground Color icon Sets the foreground color of the cells in the chosen column.
    Apply to Header when Checked icon Applies formatting changes to the header, and not the body cells, of the chosen column.

    Layout Toolbar

    The Layout toolbar allows you to quickly customize the list's layout by showing splits, column headers, and much more. Besides these, it also allows you to load and save layouts.

    Layout toolbar

    The Layout toolbar consists of the following commands:

    Command Button Name Command Button Description
    Load Layout icon Loads a previously saved list layout.
    Save Layout icon Saves the current list layout to a file.
    Insert Horizontal Split icon Inserts a horizontal split at the current selected place in the list.
    Insert Vertical Split icon Inserts a vertical split at the current selected place in the list.
    Delete Horizontal icon Deletes the selected horizontal split.
    Delete Vertical icon Deletes the selected Vertical split.
    Column Headers icon Shows column headers in the list. By, default this is selected.

    Columns Toolbar

    The Columns toolbar allows you to quickly add and delete columns, and change column width.

    Column Toolbar

    The Columns toolbar consists of the following commands:

    Command Button Name Command Button Description
    Column icon This drop-down list allows you to select the column you wish to view or modify.
    Insert Column icon Inserts a new column at the current location.
    Remove Column icon Deletes the currently selected column.
    Make all columns the same width icon Makes all columns of the same width.
    Increase column width icon Increases the width of the selected column.
    Decrease column width Decreases the width of the selected column.
    Note: WinForms .NET Edition does not include rich design-time support yet. We will enhance it in future releases.