ComponentOne List for WinForms
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    You can easily perform search either on the entire list or just a specific column. This topic discusses how you can enable search in the List control.

    Search List

    To perform search operation, you can use Find method of the C1List class. This method has parameters that let you set the target string, comparison mode, field name to be searched, and much more. It also allows you to specify the row from where the search process should take place and provides various comparison options through the MatchCompareEnum parameter.

    The following table describes all the options provided by the MatchCompareEnum enumeration.

    Comparison Mode Description
    Equal Searches for strings, numbers and dates that are equal to the stated value.
    GreaterThan Searches for strings, numbers and dates that are greater than the stated value.
    GreaterThanOrEqual Searches for strings, numbers and dates that are greater than or equal to the stated value.
    IncludeEqual Searches for a string inside another string.
    LessThan Searches for strings, numbers and dates that are less than the stated value.
    LessThanOrEqual Searches for strings, numbers and dates that are less than or equal to the stated value.
    PartiallyEqual Searches for the stated value in an incremental mode. This is the default mode.

    Furthermore, you can also use MatchEntry property of the C1List class to specify how search should be performed based on the user's input. The MatchEntry property takes its value from the MatchEntryEnum enumeration which provides Extended, Standard, and None options.

    The following code snippet demonstrates how to search a value from the entire list using the Find method.

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    var found = -1;            
    //search in every column
    for (int col = 0; col < c1List1.Columns.Count; col++)
         //search for the string
         found = c1List1.Find("search", C1.Win.List.MatchCompareEnum.PartiallyEqual, true, 0, col);
         //if found set the selected index
         if (found != -1)
            c1List1.SelectedIndex = found;

    Search in Column

    To enable column-wise search in the List, you can use MatchCol property of the C1List class which its value from the MatchColEnum enumeration to specify the column fields to be searched.

    The following table describes all the options provided by the MatchColEnum enumeration.

    Options Descriptions
    AllCols Searches all visible columns.
    CurrentMousePos Searches the column under current mouse cursor.
    CurrentSelectedCol Searches the current selected column.
    DisplayMember Searches the column of Display Member.
    LeftVisibleCol Searches the left most visible column.
    RightVisibleCol Searches the right most visible column.

    The following code demonstrates how to enable search in all visible columns by setting the MatchCol property to AllCols.

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    c1List1.MatchCol = C1.Win.List.MatchColEnum.AllCols;