| Class | Description |
 | C1InputPanel | Represents a Windows control that hosts a set of InputComponent components and supports automatic binding, layout, and styling. |
 | C1InputPanelBase | The base class for C1InputPanel. |
 | ColumnDefinition | Defines column-specific properties that apply to InputGridPanel items. |
 | ContextMenuShowingEventArgs | Provides data for a ContextMenuShowing event. |
 | ControlHostFromXmlNodeEventArgs | Provides data for the ControlHostFromXmlNode event. |
 | DefinitionBase | Defines specific layout properties that apply to InputGridPanel items. |
 | DefinitionsBase<T> | Provides a collection for inheritors of the DefinitionBase class. |
 | InputButton | Represents a button element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputCheckBox | Represents a check box element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputComboBox | Represents a combo box element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputComboBoxItemCollection | Represents a collection of items in InputComboBox. |
 | InputComponent | Base class for the items in a C1InputPanel. |
 | InputComponentCollection | Represents a collection of InputComponent objects. |
 | InputControlHost | Represents a control host in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputDataNavigator | Represents a data navigator element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputDatePicker | Represents a date-picker element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputDropDown | Serves as a base class for drop-down elements like InputComboBox. |
 | InputFlowPanel | Represents a flow panel in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputGridPanel | Represents a grid panel in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputGroupHeader | Group header in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputHtmlLabel | HTML Label in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputImage | Image in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputLabel | Label in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputLayoutPanelBase | Represents a base class for panel in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputMaskedTextBox | Represents a masked text box element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputMenu | Represents a menu element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputNavigatorClickEventArgs | Provides data for a ButtonClick event. |
 | InputNavigatorEditingEventArgs | Provides data for an Editing event. |
 | InputNavigatorErrorEventArgs | Provides data for an Error event. |
 | InputNumericBox | Represents a numeric box element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputOption | Represents an option in the InputComboBox element. |
 | InputProgressBar | Represents a progress bar element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputRadioButton | Represents a radio button element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputSeparator | Represents a line used to separate items in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputSplitButton | Represents a split button element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputStyle | A customizable set of appearance settings. |
 | InputTextBox | Represents a text box element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputTimePicker | Represents a time-picker element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | InputTrackBar | Represents a slider element in a C1InputPanel control. |
 | ItemDeserializedEventArgs | Provides data for the ItemDeserialized event. |
 | LinkClickedEventArgs | Provides data for the InputHtmlLabel.LinkClicked event. |
 | PrepareDateTimeFormatEventArgs | Provides data for the PrepareDateTimeFormat event. |
 | PrepareNumberFormatEventArgs | Provides data for the PrepareNumberFormat event. |
 | RowDefinition | Defines row-specific properties that apply to InputGridPanel items. |
 | SpinButtonClickEventArgs | Provides data for the SpinButtonClick event. |
 | StyleBrushSet | Represents the set of known brushes that can be referenced from style elements. |
 | StyleColorSet | Represents the set of known colors that can be referenced from style elements. |
 | StyleConstSet | Represents the set of integer constants that can be referenced from style elements. |
 | StyleFlagSet | Represents the set of boolean constants that can be referenced from style elements. |
 | StyleFontDelta | Represents the font delta that can be applied to the base font. |
 | StyleFontSet | Represents the set of fonts that can be referenced from style elements. |
 | StyleGlyphSet | Represents the set of known glyphs that can be referenced from style elements. |
 | ToolTipLinkClickedEventArgs | Provides data for the C1InputPanel.ToolTipLinkClicked event. |
 | ToolTipSettings | Exposes properties of the C1InputPanel built-in tooltip. |