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InputPanel for WinForms Samples
In This Topic

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with ComponentOne Studio.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path for .NET4.5.2 framework:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\v4.5.2\C1InputPanel

The following table provides a short description of each sample.

Sample Description
CustomEditors Demonstrates custom editors used for editing C1InputPanel's visual style.
DataBinding Demonstrates how to bind each type of input component to the data source using special properties.
ErrorProvider Demonstrates how to use validating events for the components to validate them. It also shows how to user the ErrorText property to create an error message when the user enter incorrect input on the input component.
TestCases Demonstrates the loading of elements for the input panel from an external XML file.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path for .NET 5:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\v4.5.2\C1InputPanel(.NET 5.0)

The following table provides a short description of each sample.

Sample Description
InputPanelExplorer Demonstrates main samples of controls in the InputPanel assembly.
See Also