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InputPanel Overview
In This Topic

InputPanel for WinForms is the new paradigm to create and maintain data forms. It is a container control that can be placed on a Windows Form to help you create powerful data input applications. You can either choose from any combination of the native data input controls or any third party .NET control. With the help of features such as automatic binding, layout, and styling, the control is automatically populated with components used to view and edit the data in the data source, including keyboard accelerators.

An image showing inputpanel in winforms application, displaying the details of employees in an organization.

InputPanel provides a keyboard accelerator designer used automatically to add or fix duplicate key accelerators. Make changes to your form without worrying about restructuring the entire form with automatic alignment and tab order. All of the native input components share a common set of styles, properties, methods, and events which makes the programming task a lot easier and consistent. This simple setup paired with low maintenance yields helps in increasing productivity.

Create DataEntry Forms
Documentation Product Sample Location

Getting started with InputPanel

Smart Designer




.NET Framework: Product samples are located at \Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\vx.x.x\InputPanel\CS\ on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WinForms Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.

.NET: Product samples are located at \Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\vx.x\InputPanel\CS\ on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WinForms Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.



Demo Samples

ComponentOne product videos Download WinForms Product Demo
Note: ComponentOne InputPanel control is compatible with both .NET and .NET Framework.
API References
C1.Win.C1InputPanel .NET Framework Assembly C1.Win.InputPanel .NET Assembly
See Also