C1.Win.InputPanel.8 Assembly / C1.Win.InputPanel Namespace / StyleGlyph Enumeration

StyleGlyph Enumeration
Named style glyphs.
Public Enum StyleGlyph 
   Inherits System.Enum
ArrowDownA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Down' button.
ArrowLeftA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Left' button.
ArrowRightA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Right' button.
ArrowUpA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Up' button.
CalendarDropDownA black&white image displayed on the drop-down button of InputDatePicker.
CheckMarkA black&white image that appears on checked check boxes.
CollapseGroupA black&white image that appears on expanded group headers.
ExpandGroupA black&white image that appears on collapsed group headers.
IndeterminateMarkA black&white image that appears on a check box which is in indeterminate state.
MenuCheckMarkA black&white image marking the toggled menu items.
MinusButtonA black&white image of the Minus button.
NextMonthArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Next Month' button.
NextYearArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Next Year' button.
NoneValue used as default for StyleGlyph enumeration.
PlusButtonA black&white image of the Plus button.
PopupResizeGripperA black&white image of a handle for resizing menus vertically.
PrevMonthArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Previous Month' button.
PrevYearArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Previous Year' button.
SmallArrowDownA small down arrow glyph shown on drop-down buttons and up-down elements.
SmallArrowUpA small up arrow glyph used in up-down elements.
SubmenuArrowA black&white image that shows an arrow for the submenu.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also