C1.Win.InputPanel.8 Assembly / C1.Win.InputPanel Namespace / StyleFlag Enumeration

StyleFlag Enumeration
Named style flags (boolean constants).
Public Enum StyleFlag 
   Inherits System.Enum
ElementRoundedCornersIndicates whether input panel elements has rounded corners.
HeaderTextFontPaddingIndicates if the special padding should be applied when drawing text in group headers.
MenuHeaderFontPaddingIndicates if the special padding should be applied when drawing text in menu headers.
NoneValue used as default for StyleFlag enumeration.
TextBoxUnderLineIndicates whether textbox has underline.
TextFontPaddingIndicates if the special padding should be applied when drawing strings using Text font.
TooltipBorderIndicates whether the tooltip window should display a border.
TooltipRoundedCornersIndicates whether the tooltip window has rounded corners.
TooltipShadowIndicates whether the tooltip window should display a shadow.
TooltipUseFadingIndicates whether a fade effect should be used when displaying a tooltip.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also