Input for WinForms Task-Based Help / Adding a Drop-Down Form / Changing the Navigation in the Navigator
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Changing the Navigation in the Navigator
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To change the navigation in the Navigator, change Index like the following:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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Private Sub c1DbNavigator1_BeforeAction(sender As Object, e As C1.Win.C1Input.NavigatorBeforeActionEventArgs)
       If e.Button = C1.Win.C1Input.NavigatorButtonEnum.First Then
             ' Goto second record instead of the first 
              e.Index = 1
       End If
        ' Go to the last row if user entered too large position 
       If e.Button = C1.Win.C1Input.NavigatorButtonEnum.Position AndAlso e.Cancel Then
              e.Cancel = False
       End If
End Sub

To write code in C#

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private void c1DbNavigator1_BeforeAction(object sender, C1.Win.C1Input.NavigatorBeforeActionEventArgs e)
              if (e.Button == C1.Win.C1Input.NavigatorButtonEnum.First)
                  // Goto second record instead of the first 
           e.Index = 1;
               // Go to the last row if user entered too large position 
        if (e.Button == C1.Win.C1Input.NavigatorButtonEnum.Position && e.Cancel)
           e.Cancel = false;
See Also