Select Specific Calendar Type
In This Topic
The CalendarType property, present in the C1DateEdit and C1NumericEdit controls lets you select specific calendar types to use a non-default Calendar. The following calendar types are supported by C1DateEdit and C1NumericEdit controls:
- Default
- ChineseLuniSolarCalendar
- EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
- GregorianCalendar
- HebrewCalendar
- HijriCalendar
- JapaneseCalendar
- JapaneseLunisolarCalendar
- JulianCalendar
- KoreanCalendar
- KoreanLunisolarCalendar
- TaiwanCalendar
- TaiwanLunisolarCalendar
- ThaiBuddhistCalendar
- UmAlQuraCalendar
Complete the following steps to change the calendar type for the C1Input control:
- Create a new Windows Application project. Place a C1Input control (C1DateEdit or C1NumericEdit) on the form.
- From the Properties window, set the CalendarType property, as per your requirement.
See Also