Input for WinForms Task-Based Help / Set IME Mode
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Set IME Mode
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The ImeMode property can be used to set an Input Method Editor (IME) mode of the C1Input controls. An Input Method Editor is a program that lets users enter complex symbols or characters, like Japanese Kanji characters, into the input controls, using a basic keyboard.

The following table describes the values available for ImeMode property.

Value Description
On  Indicates that the IME is on. Symbols or characters that are specific to Chinese or Japanese can be entered. Valid for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese IME only.
Off  Indicates that the IME is off. The object behaves the same as English entry mode. Valid only for Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese IME.
Disable  Indicates that the IME is disabled. It means that a user cannot turn the IME on from the keyboard as the IME window is hidden.
Hiragana  Hiragana Double Byte Characters. Valid only for the Japanese IME.
Katakana  Katakana Double Byte Characters. Valid only for the Japanese IME.
KatakanaHalf  Katakana Single Byte Characters. Valid only for the Japanese IME.
AlphaFull  Alphanumeric Double Byte Characters. Valid only for Korean and Japanese IME.
Alpha  Alphanumeric Single Byte Characters. Valid only for Korean and Japanese IME.
HangulFull  Hangul Double Byte Characters. Valid only for the Korean IME.
NoControl  None (Default).
Inherit  Indicated that the IME mode of the parent control is inherited.
Close  Indicates that the IME is closed. Valid only for the Chinese IME.
Hangul  Hangul Single Byte Characters. Valid only for the Korean IME.
OnHalf  Indicates that the IME is on HalfShape. Valid only for the Chinese IME.

 Complete the following steps to change the IME mode for the C1Input control:

  1. Create a new Windows Application project. Place a C1Input control (C1TextBox, C1ComboBox, C1DateEdit, C1DropDownControl or C1NumericEdit) on the form.
  2. From the Properties window, set the ImeMode property, as per your requirement.     
See Also