C1.Win.Ribbon.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.Ribbon Namespace / C1StatusBar Class / UpdatingItemFont Event

UpdatingItemFont Event (C1StatusBar)
Occurs before a font is applied to a ribbon item.
Public Event UpdatingItemFont As System.EventHandler(Of UpdatingItemFontEventArgs)
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type UpdatingItemFontEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following UpdatingItemFontEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Gets the System.Drawing.Font used to display text in the ribbon item.  
Gets or sets whether text bounding rectangle should include padding.  
Gets a value indicating whether the RibbonItem is hosted in a RibbonComboBox.  
Gets a value indicating whether the RibbonItem is hosted in a RibbonGroup.  
Gets a value indicating whether the RibbonItem is hosted in a RibbonMenu.  
Gets a value indicating whether the RibbonItem is hosted in RibbonToolBar, RibbonBottomToolBar, RibbonTopToolBar or RibbonConfigToolBar.  
Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Font used to display text in the ribbon item.  
Gets the ribbon item which the font is being updated.  
This event supports: RibbonButton, RibbonCheckBox, RibbonGallery, RibbonMenu, RibbonSplitButton, RibbonToggleButton.
See Also