public enum StyleGlyph : System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum StyleGlyph Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
ArrowDown | A black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Down' button. |
ArrowLeft | A black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Left' button. |
ArrowRight | A black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Right' button. |
ArrowUp | A black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Up' button. |
CalendarDropDown | A black&white image displayed on the drop-down button of RibbonDatePicker. |
CheckMark | A black&white image that appears on checked check boxes. |
CloseButton | A black&white image that appears on window Close button. |
CustomizeQatArrow | The 'Customize QAT' image for displaying QAT menu items. |
DialogLauncher | A black&white image that appears in RibbonGroup's dialog launcher area. |
GalleryBottomGripper | A black&white image displayed at the bottom right corner of the popup window for resizing the gallery. |
GalleryTopGripper | A black&white image displayed at the top right corner of the popup window for resizing the gallery. |
HelpButton | A black&white image that appears on window Help button. |
MaximizeButton | A black&white image that appears on window Maximize button. |
MenuCheckMark | A black&white image marking the toggled menu items. |
MinimizeButton | A black&white image that appears on window Minimize button. |
MinusButton | A black&white image of the Minus button. |
NextMonthArrow | A black&white image displayed on the 'Next Month' button. |
NextYearArrow | A black&white image displayed on the 'Next Year' button. |
None | Value used as default for StyleGlyph enumeration. |
PlusButton | A black&white image of the Plus button. |
PopupResizeGripper | A black&white image of a handle for resizing menus vertically. |
PrevMonthArrow | A black&white image displayed on the 'Previous Month' button. |
PrevYearArrow | A black&white image displayed on the 'Previous Year' button. |
QatChevron | The QAT chevron image for displaying more QAT items. |
RestoreButton | A black&&white image that appears on window Restore button. |
SmallArrowDown | A small down arrow glyph shown on drop-down buttons and up-down elements. |
SmallArrowLeft | A small arrow glyph used to scroll the QAT chevron to the left. |
SmallArrowRight | A small arrow glyph used to scroll the QAT chevron to the right. |
SmallArrowUp | A small up arrow glyph used in up-down elements and galleries. |
SubmenuArrow | A black&white image that shows an arrow for the submenu. |