public enum StyleConst : System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum StyleConst Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
CheckBoxSize | Width and height of the check box mark area. |
ContentAreaHeight | Height of the tab content area. |
ExpandedGalleryHeight | Height of a RibbonGallery when it is expanded in RibbonGroup. |
ExpandedGalleryPadding | Top and bottom padding of an expanded RibbonGallery. |
FormButtonHeight | Window buttons height. |
FormButtonOffsetY | The offset of windows buttons from the Form top border. |
FormButtonWidth | Window buttons width. |
FormIconOffsetX | X-coordinate of the form icon. |
FormIconOffsetY | Y-coordinate of the form icon. |
FormTextOffsetX | X-coordinate of the window caption (without C1Ribbon). |
FormTextOffsetY | Y-coordinate of the window caption. |
FormTitleHeight | Window title height (with and without C1Ribbon). |
GalleryButtonWidth | The width of scrolling and drop-down buttons displayed in expanded RibbonGallery. |
GripPanelHeight | The height of the menu resizing gripper area. |
GroupButtonBoxSize | Width and height of the box with group image. |
ItemSeparatorWidth | The width of a vertical line displayed as separator between ribbon elements. |
LargeItemHeight | The height of large vertical ribbon buttons and menus (with 32x32 images). |
LargeMenuSeparatorLeftPadding | Spacing before the horizontal line displayed as large menu item separator. |
MdiChildButtonWidth | The width of buttons on the ConfigToolBar when an MDI child window is maximized. |
MenuSeparatorLeftPadding | Spacing before the horizontal line displayed as menu item separator. |
None | Value used as default for StyleConst enumeration. |
ProgressBarPadding | The value of horizontal and vertical padding of the bar showing progress. |
QatIndent | The width of a separator between the QAT and form icon (and the 'Customize QAT' button). |
QatItemHeight | The height of items on the Quick Access Toolbar. |
SizingGripAreaWidth | Form resizing grip area width. |
SmallItemHeight | The height of small buttons and other elements in a ribbon group. |
StackScrollButtonHeight | The height of a stack scroll button ('hot scrolling' menu area). |
StatusBarAreaSeparatorWidth | The width of the area that separates left and right panels on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarHeight | The height of C1StatusBar control. |
StatusBarSeparatorHorizontalPadding | Left and right padding of a RibbonSeparator element on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarSeparatorVerticalPadding | Top and bottom padding of a RibbonSeparator element on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarSeparatorWidth | The width of RibbonSeparator element on C1StatusBar. |
TabAreaHeight | The height of a tab header. |
TabGroupBottomPadding | Spacing below the tab group caption (for better alignment). |
TabGroupTopLineHeight | The height of colored line at the top of a contextual tab group. |
TooltipGradient | Specifies a background gradient for tooltips. |
TrackBarThumbHeight | The height of the track bar thumb. |
TrackBarThumbWidth | The width of the track bar thumb. |
TrackBarTickHeight | The height of the tick marks. |
TrackBarTickWidth | The width of the tick marks. |
WatermarkOpacity | The opacity level (from 0 to 100) used for an image assigned to the WatermarkImage property. |