public enum StyleColor : System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum StyleColor Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
AppButtonDisabledText | The color of text that appears on disabled application menu button. |
AppButtonHotText | The color of text that appears on 'hot' application menu button. |
AppButtonPressedText | The color of text that appears on pressed application menu button. |
AppButtonText | The color of text that appears on application menu button. |
AppMenuDisabledSubmenuArrow | The color of disabled submenu arrow on application menu item. |
AppMenuHotSubmenuArrow | The color of 'hot' submenu arrow on application menu item. |
AppMenuItemDisabledText | Text color of disabled items on application menu. |
AppMenuItemHotText | Text color of the 'hot' items on application menu. |
AppMenuItemPressedText | Text color of the pressed application menu item. |
AppMenuItemText | Normal text color on application menu items. |
AppMenuPressedSubmenuArrow | The color of arrow when the submenu on application menu item is visible. |
AppMenuSubmenuArrow | Normal color of a submenu arrow on application menu item. |
BoxBackground | The background color of TextBox-like elements. |
BoxBorder | Normal border color. |
BoxDisabledBackground | Background color of disabled TextBox-like elements. |
BoxDisabledBorder | Border color of a disabled TextBox-like element. |
BoxDisabledText | The color of text of a disabled TextBox-like element. |
BoxDropDownArrow | The color of drop-down arrows on TextBox-like elements. |
BoxDropDownArrowDisabled | The color of disabled drop-down arrows on TextBox-like elements. |
BoxHotBorder | Border color of a focused TextBox-like element. |
BoxSuggestedText | Reserved item, not currently in use. |
BoxText | The foreground color of TextBox-like elements. |
ButtonBoxBorder | Normal color of the button border. |
ButtonBoxDisabledBorder | The color of disabled button border. |
ButtonBoxHotBorder | The color of 'hot' button border. |
ButtonBoxPressedBorder | The color of pressed button border. |
CalendarArrowGlyph | The color of navigation arrows in the calendar header area. |
CalendarArrowGlyphHot | The color of a hot navigation arrow in the calendar header area. |
CalendarArrowGlyphPressed | The color of a pressed navigation arrow in the calendar header area. |
CalendarHeaderText | The color of text in the calendar header area. |
CalendarHotToggledBorder | The color of border of a 'hot' selected day. |
CalendarText | Normal day text color in drop-down calendar. |
CalendarTextInactive | Text color for days of the month which is not currently selected. |
CheckBoxBorder | The color of box border in its normal state. |
CheckBoxDisabledBorder | The color of disabled box border. |
CheckBoxHotBorder | The color of box border in 'hot' state. |
CheckMark | The color of check mark in its normal state. |
CheckMarkDisabled | The color of disabled check mark. |
CheckMarkHot | The color of check mark hovered with the mouse. |
CheckMarkPressed | The color of check mark when it is pressed with the mouse. |
ColorBorder | The color of palette cell borders. |
ColorHotBorder | The color of the outer frame for the 'hot' palette cell. |
ColorInnerHotBorder | The color of the inner frame displayed for 'hot' and selected palette cells. |
ColorPressedBorder | The color of the outer frame for the selected palette cell. |
DayTodayBorder | The color of today day border. |
DisabledSubmenuArrow | The color of disabled submenu arrow. |
DisabledTabText | The color of text that appears on a disabled tab. |
DisabledText | The color of disabled text on ribbon elements. |
DropDownArrow | The color of drop-down arrows in a ribbon group. |
DropDownArrowDisabled | The color of disabled drop-down arrows in a ribbon group. |
DropDownArrowHot | The color of 'hot' drop-down arrows. |
DropDownArrowPressed | The color of pressed drop-down arrows. |
DropDownBackground | Background color of various drop-downs. |
DropDownBorder | The color of outer border for the drop-down windows. |
DropDownDisabledText | Text color of disabled elements on menus and other drop-downs. |
DropDownHotText | Text color of the 'hot' menu item. |
DropDownImageRecolor | If not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images on menus and other drop-downs. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds. |
DropDownItemSeparator | The color of a horizontal line displayed as item separator. |
DropDownPressedText | Text color of the pressed menu item. |
DropDownText | Normal text color on menus and other drop-downs. |
FormActiveAppMenuTitleText | Text color of the active app menu window caption. |
FormActiveBorder | Form border color when the Form is in active state. |
FormActiveGlyph | Normal color of an image displayed on a window button. |
FormActiveTitleText | Text color of the active window caption. |
FormAppMenuActiveGlyph | Normal color of an image displayed on a app menu window button. |
FormAppMenuDisabledGlyph | The color of an image displayed on a disabled app menu window button. |
FormAppMenuHotGlyph | The color of an image displayed on 'hot' app menu window button. |
FormAppMenuInactiveGlyph | The color of app menu window button images when other application is active. |
FormAppMenuPressedGlyph | The color of an image displayed on pressed app menu window button. |
FormBackground | The background color used for filling the Form. |
FormDisabledGlyph | The color of an image displayed on a disabled window button. |
FormDropDownArrow | The color of drop-down arrows on QAT and ConfigToolBar. |
FormDropDownArrowDisabled | The color of disabled drop-down arrows on QAT and ConfigToolBar. |
FormHotGlyph | The color of an image displayed on 'hot' window button. |
FormInactiveAppMenuTitleText | Text color of the inactive app menu window caption. |
FormInactiveBorder | Form border color when the Form in not in active state. |
FormInactiveGlyph | The color of window button images when other application is active. |
FormInactiveTitleText | Text color of the inactive window caption. |
FormItemDisabledText | Disabled text color for elements on QAT and ConfigToolBar. |
FormItemImageRecolor | If not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images on the QAT and ConfigToolBar. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds. |
FormItemText | Normal text color for elements on QAT and ConfigToolBar. |
FormPressedGlyph | The color of an image displayed on pressed window button. |
FormTitleLine | The color of thin line that appears below window title (without C1Ribbon). |
GalleryItemHotText | Text color of the 'hot' gallery item. |
GalleryItemImageRecolor | If not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in the image of a gallery item. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds. |
GalleryItemPressedText | Text color of the pressed gallery item. |
GalleryItemText | Normal text color of a gallery item. |
GalleryResizeGripper | The color of the handle used to resize the gallery window. |
Glyph | Normal glyph color. |
GlyphDisabled | The color of disabled glyph. |
GlyphHot | The color of glyph under the mouse pointer. |
GlyphPressed | The color of glyph in pressed state. |
GroupButtonBoxBorder | The border color of the box with group image. |
GroupCaptionDisabledText | The color of the disabled group caption text. |
GroupCaptionText | The color of the group caption text. |
GroupPopupBorder | The border color for a group displayed as popup window. |
GroupSeparator | The color of separator between groups. |
HotSubmenuArrow | The color of 'hot' submenu arrow. |
HotTabBackground | Background color of the 'hot' tab. |
HotTabText | The color of text that appears on the 'hot' tab. |
HotText | Text color for 'hot' ribbon elements. |
HotToggledBorder | Border color for toggled elements which are 'hot' (hovered with the mouse pointer). |
ItemSeparator | The color of a separator between ribbon elements. |
KeyTipBackground | Background color of key-tip windows. |
KeyTipText | Text color in key-tip windows. |
MenuBoldText | The color of text displayed in labels of large menu items. |
MenuCheckBoxBorder | The color of border of the box displayed for toggled menu items. |
MenuCheckMark | The color of check mark displayed for toggled menu items. |
MenuDropDownArrow | The color of drop-down arrows in the pop-up of the QAT chevron. |
MenuDropDownArrowDisabled | The color of disabled drop-down arrows in the pop-up of the QAT chevron. |
MenuHeaderText | The color of text displayed in menu headers. |
MenuResizeGripper | The color of a handle for resizing menus vertically. |
None | Value used as default for StyleColor enumeration. |
PressedSubmenuArrow | The color of arrow when the submenu is visible. |
PressedText | Text color for pressed ribbon elements. |
RibbonItemImageRecolor | If not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images for ribbon elements. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds. |
RibbonProgressBorder | The color of the outer border. |
RibbonProgressDisabledBorder | The color of disabled outer border. |
RibbonTrackBar | The color of slider and tick marks. |
RibbonTrackBarDisabled | The color of disabled slider and tick marks. |
RibbonTrackBarDisabledGlyph | The color of disabled thumb and button glyphs. |
RibbonTrackBarGlyph | The color of thumb and button glyphs. |
RibbonTrackBarHotGlyph | The color of 'hot' thumb and 'hot' button glyphs. |
RibbonTrackBarPressedGlyph | The color of a pressed thumb or pressed button glyphs. |
ScrollBarArrow | The color of the scrollbar arrow image. |
ScrollBarButtonBorder | The color of button border in normal button state. |
ScrollBarButtonHotBorder | The color of button border in 'hot' button state. |
ScrollBarButtonPressedBorder | The color of button border in pressed button state. |
ScrollBarThumbBorder | Normal border color of the thumb. |
ScrollBarThumbHotBorder | Border color of the 'hot' thumb. |
ScrollBarThumbPressedBorder | The color of border for the pressed thumb. |
SelectedTabText | The color of text that appears on the selected tab. |
SelectedTabText_Blue | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
SelectedTabText_Cyan | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
SelectedTabText_Green | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
SelectedTabText_Orange | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
SelectedTabText_Red | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
SelectedTabText_Violet | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
SelectedTabText_Yellow | The color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs. |
StackScrollArrow | Normal color of an arrow glyph on the scroll button ('hot scrolling' menu area). |
StackScrollHotArrow | The color of an arrow glyph on 'hot' scroll button. |
StatusBarDisabledText | Text color of disabled elements on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarHotText | Text color for 'hot' elements on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarImageRecolor | If not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images on C1StatusBar. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds. |
StatusBarPressedText | Text color for pressed elements on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarSeparator | The color of a separator between ribbon elements on C1StatusBar. |
StatusBarText | The color of text on C1StatusBar. |
StatusDropDownArrow | The color of drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar. |
StatusDropDownArrowDisabled | The color of disabled drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar. |
StatusDropDownArrowHot | The color of 'hot' drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar. |
StatusDropDownArrowPressed | The color of pressed drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar. |
StatusProgressBorder | The color of the outer border. |
StatusProgressDisabledBorder | The color of disabled outer border. |
StatusTrackBar | The color of slider and tick marks. |
StatusTrackBarDisabled | The color of disabled slider and tick marks. |
StatusTrackBarDisabledGlyph | The color of disabled thumb and button glyphs. |
StatusTrackBarGlyph | The color of thumb and button glyphs. |
StatusTrackBarHotGlyph | The color of 'hot' thumb and 'hot' button glyphs. |
StatusTrackBarPressedGlyph | The color of a pressed thumb or pressed button glyphs. |
SubmenuArrow | Normal color of a submenu arrow. |
TabBackground | Background color of the selected tab. |
TabBorder | The color of border that appears above and below the tab content. |
TabGroupLine_Blue | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupLine_Cyan | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupLine_Green | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupLine_Orange | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupLine_Red | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupLine_Violet | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupLine_Yellow | The color of line at the top of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupTabText | The color of text that appears on tabs within a contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Blue | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Cyan | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Green | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Orange | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Red | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Violet | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabGroupText_Yellow | Text color for the caption of contextual tab group. |
TabText | The color of text that appears on a tab which is not currently selected. |
Text | Normal text color for ribbon elements. |
ToggledText | Text color for toggled elements, such as a RibbonToggleButton in pressed state. |
ToolBarArrow | The color of drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar. |
ToolBarArrowDisabled | The color of disabled drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar. |
ToolBarArrowHot | The color of 'hot' drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar. |
ToolBarArrowPressed | The color of pressed drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar. |
ToolBarDisabledText | The color of disabled text on toolbar elements. |
ToolBarHotText | Text color for 'hot' elements on toolbar. |
ToolBarHotToggledBorder | Border color for toggled elements on toolbar which are 'hot' (hovered with the mouse pointer). |
ToolBarPressedText | Text color for pressed toolbar elements. |
ToolBarText | Normal text color for elements on toolbar. |
ToolBarToggledText | Text color for toggled elements on toolbar, such as a RibbonToggleButton in pressed state. |
TooltipBackground | The background of the tooltip window. |
TooltipBorder | The color of the border drawn around a tooltip. |
TooltipText | The foreground color of the tooltip window. |