C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Ribbon Namespace / StyleColor Enumeration

StyleColor Enumeration
Named style colors.
Public Enum StyleColor 
   Inherits System.Enum
AppButtonDisabledTextThe color of text that appears on disabled application menu button.
AppButtonHotTextThe color of text that appears on 'hot' application menu button.
AppButtonPressedTextThe color of text that appears on pressed application menu button.
AppButtonTextThe color of text that appears on application menu button.
AppMenuDisabledSubmenuArrowThe color of disabled submenu arrow on application menu item.
AppMenuHotSubmenuArrowThe color of 'hot' submenu arrow on application menu item.
AppMenuItemDisabledTextText color of disabled items on application menu.
AppMenuItemHotTextText color of the 'hot' items on application menu.
AppMenuItemPressedTextText color of the pressed application menu item.
AppMenuItemTextNormal text color on application menu items.
AppMenuPressedSubmenuArrowThe color of arrow when the submenu on application menu item is visible.
AppMenuSubmenuArrowNormal color of a submenu arrow on application menu item.
BoxBackgroundThe background color of TextBox-like elements.
BoxBorderNormal border color.
BoxDisabledBackgroundBackground color of disabled TextBox-like elements.
BoxDisabledBorderBorder color of a disabled TextBox-like element.
BoxDisabledTextThe color of text of a disabled TextBox-like element.
BoxDropDownArrowThe color of drop-down arrows on TextBox-like elements.
BoxDropDownArrowDisabledThe color of disabled drop-down arrows on TextBox-like elements.
BoxHotBorderBorder color of a focused TextBox-like element.
BoxSuggestedTextReserved item, not currently in use.
BoxTextThe foreground color of TextBox-like elements.
ButtonBoxBorderNormal color of the button border.
ButtonBoxDisabledBorderThe color of disabled button border.
ButtonBoxHotBorderThe color of 'hot' button border.
ButtonBoxPressedBorderThe color of pressed button border.
CalendarArrowGlyphThe color of navigation arrows in the calendar header area.
CalendarArrowGlyphHotThe color of a hot navigation arrow in the calendar header area.
CalendarArrowGlyphPressedThe color of a pressed navigation arrow in the calendar header area.
CalendarHeaderTextThe color of text in the calendar header area.
CalendarHotToggledBorderThe color of border of a 'hot' selected day.
CalendarTextNormal day text color in drop-down calendar.
CalendarTextInactiveText color for days of the month which is not currently selected.
CheckBoxBorderThe color of box border in its normal state.
CheckBoxDisabledBorderThe color of disabled box border.
CheckBoxHotBorderThe color of box border in 'hot' state.
CheckMarkThe color of check mark in its normal state.
CheckMarkDisabledThe color of disabled check mark.
CheckMarkHotThe color of check mark hovered with the mouse.
CheckMarkPressedThe color of check mark when it is pressed with the mouse.
ColorBorderThe color of palette cell borders.
ColorHotBorderThe color of the outer frame for the 'hot' palette cell.
ColorInnerHotBorderThe color of the inner frame displayed for 'hot' and selected palette cells.
ColorPressedBorderThe color of the outer frame for the selected palette cell.
DayTodayBorderThe color of today day border.
DisabledSubmenuArrowThe color of disabled submenu arrow.
DisabledTabTextThe color of text that appears on a disabled tab.
DisabledTextThe color of disabled text on ribbon elements.
DropDownArrowThe color of drop-down arrows in a ribbon group.
DropDownArrowDisabledThe color of disabled drop-down arrows in a ribbon group.
DropDownArrowHotThe color of 'hot' drop-down arrows.
DropDownArrowPressedThe color of pressed drop-down arrows.
DropDownBackgroundBackground color of various drop-downs.
DropDownBorderThe color of outer border for the drop-down windows.
DropDownDisabledTextText color of disabled elements on menus and other drop-downs.
DropDownHotTextText color of the 'hot' menu item.
DropDownImageRecolorIf not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images on menus and other drop-downs. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds.
DropDownItemSeparatorThe color of a horizontal line displayed as item separator.
DropDownPressedTextText color of the pressed menu item.
DropDownTextNormal text color on menus and other drop-downs.
FormActiveAppMenuTitleTextText color of the active app menu window caption.
FormActiveBorderForm border color when the Form is in active state.
FormActiveGlyphNormal color of an image displayed on a window button.
FormActiveTitleTextText color of the active window caption.
FormAppMenuActiveGlyphNormal color of an image displayed on a app menu window button.
FormAppMenuDisabledGlyphThe color of an image displayed on a disabled app menu window button.
FormAppMenuHotGlyphThe color of an image displayed on 'hot' app menu window button.
FormAppMenuInactiveGlyphThe color of app menu window button images when other application is active.
FormAppMenuPressedGlyphThe color of an image displayed on pressed app menu window button.
FormBackgroundThe background color used for filling the Form.
FormDisabledGlyphThe color of an image displayed on a disabled window button.
FormDropDownArrowThe color of drop-down arrows on QAT and ConfigToolBar.
FormDropDownArrowDisabledThe color of disabled drop-down arrows on QAT and ConfigToolBar.
FormHotGlyphThe color of an image displayed on 'hot' window button.
FormInactiveAppMenuTitleTextText color of the inactive app menu window caption.
FormInactiveBorderForm border color when the Form in not in active state.
FormInactiveGlyphThe color of window button images when other application is active.
FormInactiveTitleTextText color of the inactive window caption.
FormItemDisabledTextDisabled text color for elements on QAT and ConfigToolBar.
FormItemImageRecolorIf not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images on the QAT and ConfigToolBar. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds.
FormItemTextNormal text color for elements on QAT and ConfigToolBar.
FormPressedGlyphThe color of an image displayed on pressed window button.
FormTitleLineThe color of thin line that appears below window title (without C1Ribbon).
GalleryItemHotTextText color of the 'hot' gallery item.
GalleryItemImageRecolorIf not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in the image of a gallery item. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds.
GalleryItemPressedTextText color of the pressed gallery item.
GalleryItemTextNormal text color of a gallery item.
GalleryResizeGripperThe color of the handle used to resize the gallery window.
GlyphNormal glyph color.
GlyphDisabledThe color of disabled glyph.
GlyphHotThe color of glyph under the mouse pointer.
GlyphPressedThe color of glyph in pressed state.
GroupButtonBoxBorderThe border color of the box with group image.
GroupCaptionDisabledTextThe color of the disabled group caption text.
GroupCaptionTextThe color of the group caption text.
GroupPopupBorderThe border color for a group displayed as popup window.
GroupSeparatorThe color of separator between groups.
HotSubmenuArrowThe color of 'hot' submenu arrow.
HotTabBackgroundBackground color of the 'hot' tab.
HotTabTextThe color of text that appears on the 'hot' tab.
HotTextText color for 'hot' ribbon elements.
HotToggledBorderBorder color for toggled elements which are 'hot' (hovered with the mouse pointer).
ItemSeparatorThe color of a separator between ribbon elements.
KeyTipBackgroundBackground color of key-tip windows.
KeyTipTextText color in key-tip windows.
MenuBoldTextThe color of text displayed in labels of large menu items.
MenuCheckBoxBorderThe color of border of the box displayed for toggled menu items.
MenuCheckMarkThe color of check mark displayed for toggled menu items.
MenuDropDownArrowThe color of drop-down arrows in the pop-up of the QAT chevron.
MenuDropDownArrowDisabledThe color of disabled drop-down arrows in the pop-up of the QAT chevron.
MenuHeaderTextThe color of text displayed in menu headers.
MenuResizeGripperThe color of a handle for resizing menus vertically.
NoneValue used as default for StyleColor enumeration.
PressedSubmenuArrowThe color of arrow when the submenu is visible.
PressedTextText color for pressed ribbon elements.
RibbonItemImageRecolorIf not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images for ribbon elements. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds.
RibbonProgressBorderThe color of the outer border.
RibbonProgressDisabledBorderThe color of disabled outer border.
RibbonTrackBarThe color of slider and tick marks.
RibbonTrackBarDisabledThe color of disabled slider and tick marks.
RibbonTrackBarDisabledGlyphThe color of disabled thumb and button glyphs.
RibbonTrackBarGlyphThe color of thumb and button glyphs.
RibbonTrackBarHotGlyphThe color of 'hot' thumb and 'hot' button glyphs.
RibbonTrackBarPressedGlyphThe color of a pressed thumb or pressed button glyphs.
ScrollBarArrowThe color of the scrollbar arrow image.
ScrollBarButtonBorderThe color of button border in normal button state.
ScrollBarButtonHotBorderThe color of button border in 'hot' button state.
ScrollBarButtonPressedBorderThe color of button border in pressed button state.
ScrollBarThumbBorderNormal border color of the thumb.
ScrollBarThumbHotBorderBorder color of the 'hot' thumb.
ScrollBarThumbPressedBorderThe color of border for the pressed thumb.
SelectedTabTextThe color of text that appears on the selected tab.
SelectedTabText_BlueThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
SelectedTabText_CyanThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
SelectedTabText_GreenThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
SelectedTabText_OrangeThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
SelectedTabText_RedThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
SelectedTabText_VioletThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
SelectedTabText_YellowThe color of text that appears on selected and 'hot' tabs.
StackScrollArrowNormal color of an arrow glyph on the scroll button ('hot scrolling' menu area).
StackScrollHotArrowThe color of an arrow glyph on 'hot' scroll button.
StatusBarDisabledTextText color of disabled elements on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarHotTextText color for 'hot' elements on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarImageRecolorIf not empty, this color will replace non-transparent and non-white colors in images on C1StatusBar. Useful in themes with dark backgrounds to ensure clarity of images designed for light backgrounds.
StatusBarPressedTextText color for pressed elements on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarSeparatorThe color of a separator between ribbon elements on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarTextThe color of text on C1StatusBar.
StatusDropDownArrowThe color of drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar.
StatusDropDownArrowDisabledThe color of disabled drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar.
StatusDropDownArrowHotThe color of 'hot' drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar.
StatusDropDownArrowPressedThe color of pressed drop-down arrows on C1StatusBar.
StatusProgressBorderThe color of the outer border.
StatusProgressDisabledBorderThe color of disabled outer border.
StatusTrackBarThe color of slider and tick marks.
StatusTrackBarDisabledThe color of disabled slider and tick marks.
StatusTrackBarDisabledGlyphThe color of disabled thumb and button glyphs.
StatusTrackBarGlyphThe color of thumb and button glyphs.
StatusTrackBarHotGlyphThe color of 'hot' thumb and 'hot' button glyphs.
StatusTrackBarPressedGlyphThe color of a pressed thumb or pressed button glyphs.
SubmenuArrowNormal color of a submenu arrow.
TabBackgroundBackground color of the selected tab.
TabBorderThe color of border that appears above and below the tab content.
TabGroupLine_BlueThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupLine_CyanThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupLine_GreenThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupLine_OrangeThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupLine_RedThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupLine_VioletThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupLine_YellowThe color of line at the top of contextual tab group.
TabGroupTabTextThe color of text that appears on tabs within a contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_BlueText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_CyanText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_GreenText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_OrangeText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_RedText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_VioletText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabGroupText_YellowText color for the caption of contextual tab group.
TabTextThe color of text that appears on a tab which is not currently selected.
TextNormal text color for ribbon elements.
ToggledTextText color for toggled elements, such as a RibbonToggleButton in pressed state.
ToolBarArrowThe color of drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar.
ToolBarArrowDisabledThe color of disabled drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar.
ToolBarArrowHotThe color of 'hot' drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar.
ToolBarArrowPressedThe color of pressed drop-down arrows in a ribbon toolbar.
ToolBarDisabledTextThe color of disabled text on toolbar elements.
ToolBarHotTextText color for 'hot' elements on toolbar.
ToolBarHotToggledBorderBorder color for toggled elements on toolbar which are 'hot' (hovered with the mouse pointer).
ToolBarPressedTextText color for pressed toolbar elements.
ToolBarTextNormal text color for elements on toolbar.
ToolBarToggledTextText color for toggled elements on toolbar, such as a RibbonToggleButton in pressed state.
TooltipBackgroundThe background of the tooltip window.
TooltipBorderThe color of the border drawn around a tooltip.
TooltipTextThe foreground color of the tooltip window.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also