C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Ribbon Namespace / RibbonEventType Enumeration

RibbonEventType Enumeration
Enumerates the types of C1Ribbon events.
Public Enum RibbonEventType 
   Inherits System.Enum
ChangeCanceledOccurs when the user cancels changes made to a RibbonTextBox or RibbonComboBox.
ChangeCommittedOccurs when the user commits changes to a RibbonTextBox or RibbonComboBox.
CheckedChangedOccurs whenever the RibbonCheckBox.Checked property is changed.
ClickOccurs when a RibbonItem or a contextual tab group is clicked.
DeselectTabOccurs after a Ribbon tab is deselected.
DialogLauncherClickOccurs when the user clicks a dialog launcher button.
DoubleClickOccurs when a RibbonItem is double-clicked.
DropDownOccurs before the drop-down portion of a RibbonDropDownBase is shown.
DropDownClosedOccurs when the drop-down portion of a RibbonDropDownBase is closed.
GotFocusOccurs when a RibbonItem receives focus.
HighlightedIndexChangedOccurs whenever either the RibbonComboBox.HighlightedIndex property or the highlighted item in the RibbonGallery are changed.
LostFocusOccurs when a RibbonItem loses focus.
MouseEnterOccurs when the mouse enters the visible part of a RibbonItem.
MouseLeaveOccurs when the mouse leaves the visible part of a RibbonItem.
PressedButtonChangedOccurs whenever the RibbonToggleGroup.PressedButtonChanged event occurs.
PressedChangedOccurs whenever the RibbonToggleButton.Pressed property is changed.
QatItemsChangedOccurs whenever the RibbonQat.Items collection is changed.
QatPositionChangedOccurs whenever the RibbonQat.BelowRibbon property is changed.
SelectedColorChangedOccurs whenever the RibbonColorPicker.Color property is changed.
SelectedIndexChangedOccurs whenever either the RibbonComboBox.SelectedIndex or RibbonGallery.SelectedIndex property is changed.
SelectTabOccurs after a Ribbon tab is selected.
TextChangedOccurs whenever either the RibbonTextBox.Text or RibbonComboBox.Text property is changed.
ValueChangedOccurs whenever either the RibbonProgressBar.Value or RibbonTrackBar.Value property is changed.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also