C1Ribbon (Classic) Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other development tools included with ComponentOne Studio.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

Visual Basic and C# Samples

Sample Description
AddQatItems The sample shows how to add buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) from code.
AddRibbonItems The sample shows how to add a C1Ribboncontrol to the form and populate it with various items programmatically. The items added include toggle buttons, radio buttons, and a combo box. The sample also demonstrates the usage of the Ribbon toolbar for arranging the items into rows.
CreateAppMenu The sample shows how to create an Application menu containing the New, Open, Save, Save As, and Print commands in the left menu pane, and a Recent Document list on the right pane.
WordPad The sample demonstrates how to use C1Ribbonto build a simple Office 2007 style text editor with the following capabilities: · Text editing and formatting · Clipboard functions · Undo/Redo functions · View zooming The sample shows how to: · Populate a RibbonComboBox with names of all fonts installed in the system. · Manage the input focus so that it goes back to the text area after the user is done using the Ribbon. · Use the RibbonButton.Click event to handle button clicks. · Use the RibbonCombobox.CommitChanges event. · Update the Enabled and Pressed properties of RibbonButton based on current text selection. · Use the application settings to save and retrieve the QAT position and the visual style of the Ribbon. · Build and maintain a list of recent documents; persist the list to application settings. · Launch a dialog box with the launcher button of a Ribbon item group.