C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Ribbon Namespace / StyleBrush Enumeration

StyleBrush Enumeration
Named style brushes.
Public Enum StyleBrush 
   Inherits System.Enum
AppButtonNormal background of application menu button.
AppButtonDisabledBackground of disabled application menu button.
AppButtonHotBackground of 'hot' application menu button.
AppButtonPressedBackground of pressed application menu button.
AppMenuHotItemBackground of 'hot' items on application menu.
AppMenuPressedItemBackground of pressed items on application menu.
CalendarHeaderBackground of the calendar header area.
CalendarHotDayThe 'hot' background used for a day under the mouse pointer.
CalendarPressedDayBackground of the day being pressed with the mouse.
CalendarToggledDayBackground of the selected (picked) day.
CheckBoxNormal background of the mark area.
CheckBoxDisabledBackground of disabled check box's mark area.
DropDownHotItemBackground of 'hot' elements, such as menu items.
DropDownPressedItemBackground of pressed elements, such as an opened submenu.
FormAppMenuHotButtonBackground of the 'hot' app menu window button.
FormAppMenuPressedButtonBackground of the pressed app menu window button.
FormBackground2Background of C1Ribbon header and bottom areas.
FormHotButtonBackground of the 'hot' window button.
FormPressedButtonBackground of the pressed window button.
FormTitleBackground of the window title.
GalleryItemBackground of a gallery item in its normal state.
GalleryItemHotBackground of a 'hot' gallery item (hovered with the mouse pointer).
GalleryItemPressedBackground of a pressed gallery item.
GroupButtonBackground of a group button.
GroupButtonBoxBackground of the box with group image.
GroupButtonHotBackground of the 'hot' group button.
GroupButtonPressedBackground of the pressed group button showing its drop-down.
GroupPopupBackgroundBackground of a ribbon group displayed as popup window.
HotThe 'hot' background used for elements under the mouse pointer.
MenuCheckBoxBackground of the box displayed for toggled menu items.
MenuHeaderBackground of menu headers (RibbonLabel elements in menus).
NoneValue used as default for StyleBrush enumeration.
PressedBackground of the pressed items.
RibbonDisabledProgressBackground of a disabled bar showing progress.
RibbonProgressBackground of the bar showing progress.
ScrollBarButtonNormal background of the scrollbar buttons.
ScrollBarButtonHotBackground of a scroll button that is hovered with the mouse pointer.
ScrollBarButtonPressedBackground of a pressed scroll button.
ScrollBarThumbNormal background of the scrollbar thumb.
ScrollBarThumbHotBackground of the 'hot' scrollbar thumb.
ScrollBarThumbPressedBackground of the pressed scrollbar thumb.
ScrollBarTrackBackground of the scrollbar track.
StatusBarBackground of C1StatusBar control.
StatusBarHotItemThe background of 'hot' elements (under the mouse pointer).
StatusBarPressedItemThe background of elements in pressed state.
StatusDisabledProgressBackground of a disabled bar showing progress.
StatusProgressBackground of the bar showing progress.
TabBackground2Background of the ribbon tab area.
TabGroup_BlueBackground of the contextual group area.
TabGroup_CyanBackground of the contextual group area.
TabGroup_GreenBackground of the contextual group area.
TabGroup_OrangeBackground of the contextual group area.
TabGroup_RedBackground of the contextual group area.
TabGroup_VioletBackground of the contextual group area.
TabGroup_YellowBackground of the contextual group area.
ToggledBackground of toggled elements, such as a RibbonToggleButton in pressed state.
ToolBarHotBackground of the 'hot' elements on toolbar.
ToolBarPressedBackground of the pressed elements on toolbar.
ToolBarToggledBackground of toggled elements on toolbar, such as a RibbonToggleButton in pressed state.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also