C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.C1Schedule Namespace / RecurrencePattern Class / DayOfWeekMask Property

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DayOfWeekMask Property (RecurrencePattern)
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Gets or sets the WeekDaysEnum value representing the mask for week days on which the recurring appointment occurs. Monthly and yearly patterns are only valid for a single day. Weekly patterns are only valid as the Or of the DayOfWeekMask. The default value is 0.
Public Property DayOfWeekMask As WeekDaysEnum
When the RecurrenceType property is set to RecurrenceTypeEnum.Daily, the DayOfWeekMask property can only be set to WeekDaysEnum.EveryDay; setting the property to any other value will result in an exception. When the RecurrenceType property is set to RecurrenceTypeEnum.Workdays, the DayOfWeekMask property can only be set to WeekDaysEnum.WorkDays; setting the property to any other value will result in an exception. When the RecurrenceType property is set to RecurrenceTypeEnum.Weekly, the DayOfWeekMask property cannot be set to WeekDaysEnum.None; doing so will result in an exception being thrown. When the RecurrenceType property is set to RecurrenceTypeEnum.Monthly or RecurrenceTypeEnum.Yearly the DayOfWeekMask property is not applicable.
See Also