C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FileExplorer Namespace / FileExplorerControls Enumeration

FileExplorerControls Enumeration
Control components in FileExplorer.
Public Enum FileExplorerControls 
   Inherits System.Enum
AddressBoxA textbox, which shows the current selected path in the file explorer
AllThe default value for the C1FileExplorer control - all controls are shown
ContextMenuThe context menu which is shown when the user right clicks inside the controls.
FilterTextBoxA textbox, which shows the current selected path in the file explorer
GridA grid, which shows the files/folders in the current file explorer folder
ListViewThe C1ListView control to hold the thumbnails view
ToolbarA toolbar, which provides shortcuts for the file explorer commands (delete, new folder, back, forward, etc.)
TreeViewA treeview, which shows the folders in the file explorer.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also