Spread WPF 18
Designer / Designer Dialogs / Conditional Formatting Dialog
In This Topic
    Conditional Formatting Dialog
    In This Topic

    The Conditional Formatting dialog allows you to set up conditional formatting rules. In order to highlight important information in rows or columns of a worksheet, you can create conditional formatting rules for individual cells or a range of cells based on cell values. If the format condition matches with the cell value, the cell is formatted as per the specified rule. To access this dialog, select the Conditional Formatting button present in the Style group under the Home tab.

    The following GIF depicts how to apply conditional formatting in the spreadsheet through the designer.

    The Conditional Formatting dialog consists of the following items:

    Item Description
    Highlight Cells Rules Rules that are used to apply formatting options to values that meet specific conditions.
    Top/Bottom Rules Rules that are used to apply formatting options to top or bottom values.
    Data Bars Rules that are used to apply color bars to values.
    Color Scales  Rules that are used to apply color or color gradients to values.
    Icon Sets Rules that are used to apply icons to values.
    New Rule... Additional rule options.
    Clear Rules... Clear all rules for selected cells
    Manage Rules.. Rules manager is used to create, edit, or delete rules.

    New Formatting Rule Dialog

    When you click the New Rule option from the Conditional Formatting dialog, it opens the New Formatting Rule dialog. This dialog helps to select new rule types and edit rule descriptions.

    Rules Manager Dialog

    When you click the Manage Rules option from the Conditional Formatting dialog, it opens the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog. This dialog helps to create, edit, delete, and view all the conditional formatting rules in the spreadsheet.