TableSheet in SpreadJS allows you to add, update, or remove a column with meaningful column types to design the table at runtime.
To display the Add Column button behind the last column, set the enableDefineColumn
TableSheet option to true. On right-clicking, it displays the context menu with options to modify, remove, and set the primary key of the column as depicted in the image below.
The following sample code shows how to enable the Add Column button in the TableSheet.
tableSheet.options.enableDefineColumn = true;
TableSheet allows you to define Column Type with predefined column properties that are categorized according to the type of column. Here is the list of built-in column types- Number, Text, Formula, Checkbox, Date, Currency, Percent, Phone, Email, URL, Lookup, CreatedTime, ModifiedTime, Attachment, Select, and Barcode.
The main properties defined for the column types are as follows:
Value (Required): Includes column value but this field cannot hold formula or relation if its type is not Formula or Lookup type.
Caption (Optional): Includes the display name for the column header.
Type (Required): Allows to select a built-in column type. Some of the built-in columns are displayed in the image below.
Data types and sample column options of all the supported column types are listed in the table below.
Column Type | Data Type | Sample Column Options |
Number | number | { value: "Number", type: "Number", caption: "Number", dataType: "number", defaultValue: 0, style: {formatter: "0.00", mask: { pattern: "0{0,}" } } } |
Text | string | { value: "Text", type: "Text", caption: "Text", dataType: "string" } |
Formula | depends on the result | { name: "NamedFormula", // it's a name of the formula for the Referencing Calculated Fields which will be a named formula value: "=[@Amount]*[@UnitPrice]", type: "Formula", caption: "Total Sales", dataType: "formula", style: {formatter: "0.00"} readonly: true, } |
Lookup | depends on the related | { value: "customer.ContactName", type: "Lookup", caption: "Customer", readonly: true, } |
Date | date | type DateTimePickerOptions = { showTime: boolean; calendarPage: "year" | "month" | "day"; startDay: "monday" | "tuesday" | "wednesday" | "thursday" | "friday" | "saturday" | "sunday"; }; { value: "Date", type: "Date", caption: "Date", dataType: "date", style: { formatter: "m/d/yyyy", cellButtons:[{ buttonBackColor: "transparent", command: "openDateTimePicker", enabled: true, visibility: 'always', imageType: "dropdown", useButtonStyle: false, }], dropDowns:[{ type: "dateTimePicker", // The cell type is DateTimePickerOptions option: { calendarPage: "day", showTime: false, startDay: "sunday", } }] } } |
Checkbox | boolean | type CheckboxOptions = { type: "checkbox"; caption: string; textTrue: string; textIndeterminate: string; textFalse: string; textAlign: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"; isThreeState: boolean; boxSize: number; }; { value: "Checkbox", type: "Checkbox", caption: "Checkbox", dataType: "boolean", style: { // The cell type is CheckboxOptions cellType: { type: "checkbox" } } } |
Select | depends on the option | type ItemOptions = { text: string; value: any; }; type ComboBoxOptions = { type: "combobox"; editorValueType: "text" | "index" | "value"; items: string[] | ItemOptions[]; itemHeight: number; maxDropDownItems: number; editable: boolean; }; { value: "Select", type: "Select", caption: "Select", dataType: "number", style: { // The cell type is ComboBoxOptions cellType: { type: "combobox", } } } |
Currency | number | { value: "Currency", type: "Currency", caption: "Currency", dataType: "number", style: {formatter: "[$$-409]#,##0.00"} } |
Percent | number | { value: "Percent", type: "Percent", caption: "Percent", dataType: "number", style: {formatter: "0%"} } |
Phone | string | { value: "Phone", type: "Phone", caption: "Phone", dataType: "string", style: { mask: { pattern: "1 \(0{3}\) 0{3}-0{4}" } } } |
string | { value: "Email", type: "Email", caption: "Email", dataType: "string", style: { mask: { pattern: "[a0.\-]{1,}@[a0.\\-]{1,}.(com|cn|gov|edu)" } } } | |
URL | string | type HyperlinkOptions = { type: "hyperlink"; linkColor: ColorString; visitedLinkColor: ColorString; text: string; linkToolTip: string; target: "blank" | "self" | "parent" | "top"; activeOnClick: boolean; }; { value: "URL", type: "URL", caption: "URL", dataType: "string", style: { // The cell type is HyperlinkOptions cellType: { type: "hyperlink" } } } |
CreatedTime | date | { value: "CreatedTime", type: "CreatedTime", caption: "CreatedTime", dataType: "date", defaultValue: "=NOW()", readonly: true, trigger: { when: "onNew", formula: "=NOW()", }, style: { formatter: "m/d/yyyy", // not necessary options(cell buttons and dropDowns) cellButtons:[{ buttonBackColor: "transparent", command: "openDateTimePicker", enabled: true, visibility: 'always', imageType: "dropdown", useButtonStyle: false, }], dropDowns:[{ type: "dateTimePicker", option: { calendarPage: "day", showTime: false, startDay: "sunday", } }] } } |
ModifiedTime | date | { value: "ModifiedTime", type: "ModifiedTime", caption: "ModifiedTime", dataType: "date", readonly: true, trigger: { when: "onNewAndUpdate", formula: "=NOW()", fields: "*", }, style: { formatter: "m/d/yyyy", // not necessary options(cell buttons and dropDowns) cellButtons:[{ buttonBackColor: "transparent", command: "openDateTimePicker", enabled: true, visibility: 'always', imageType: "dropdown", useButtonStyle: false, }], dropDowns:[{ type: "dateTimePicker", option: { calendarPage: "day", showTime: false, startDay: "sunday", } }] } } |
Attachement | object | type FileUploadOptions = { type: "fileUpload"; maxSize?: number; accept?: string; isPreviewEnabled?: boolean; isDownloadEnabled?: boolean; isClearEnabled?: boolean; marginTop?: number; marginRight?: number; marginBottom?: number; marginLeft?: number; valuePath?: string; }; { value: "Attachment", type: "Attachment", caption: "Attachment", style: { // The cell type is FileUploadOptions cellType: { type: "fileUpload" } } } |
Barcode | depends on the input | { value: "Barcode", type: "Barcode", caption: "Barcode", defaultValue: 0, style: { formatter: "=BC_QRCODE([@Barcode],\"#000000\",\"#FFFFFF\",\"L\",2,\"auto\",\"auto\",false,0,,\"UTF-8\",,,,)" } } |
SpreadJS allows you to communicate with the remote table using custom functions as mentioned below.
Custom Functions | Description | SampleDefinition |
getColumns | Retrieve the columns from the table. | getColumns: { url: apiColumnUrl } |
addColumn | Add a column to the table. | addColumn: { url: apiColumnUrl, method: 'POST' } |
updateColumn | Update the properties of a column in the table. | updateColumn: { url: apiColumnUrl, method: 'PUT' } |
removeColumn | Remove a column from the table. | removeColumn: { url: apiColumnUrl, method: 'DELETE' } |
batch | Changes are posted together in the batch mode. | batch: { url: apiUrl + 'Collection' } |
The appropriate request and response linked to the custom functions during their interaction with the data structure are as follows:
Custom Functions | Request Data | Response Data |
getColumns | None | Column[] |
addColumn | ColumnWithDefaultData | ColumnData |
updateColumn | ModifiedColumnData | ModifiedColumnData |
removeColumn | ColumnData | ColumnData |
batch | BatchItemData[] | BatchResultData[] |
The column remote APIs can be handled by self-defined functions similar to Handle Requests in the autoSync and batch modes are as follows:
var orderTable = dataManager.addTable("orderTable", {
remote: {
read: function(): Promise<any[]>{
return Promise.resolve([...])
getColumns: function(): Promise<Column[]>{
return Promise.resolve([...])
addColumn: function(change): Promise<ny>{
return Promise.resolve()
updateColumn: function(change): Promise<any>{
return Promise.resolve();
removeColumn: function(change): Promise<any>{
return Promise.resolve();
// batch: function(changes): Promise<any>{
// return Promise.resolve([...]);
// },
autoSync: true,
// batch: true
When the autoSync mode is enabled, any changes in the columns of TableSheet will sync to the remote table immediately. However, when the batch mode is enabled, the column changes will be stored in the local. Then on calling the submitChange
command, the changed column information and changed data information are sent to the remote table together.
{ "type": "updateColumn", "column": { field: 'columnName', dataType: 'number', ...otherproperties }, "originalColumn": { field: 'columnName0', ...otherproperties } },
{ "type": "addColumn", "column": { field: 'columnName1', dataType: 'number', ...otherproperties }, },
{ "type": "removeColumn", "column": { field: 'columnName2', ...otherproperties }, },
{ "type": "delete", "dataItem": { ...} },
{ "type": "insert", "dataItem": { ...} },
{ "type": "update", "dataItem": { ...}, "oldDataItem": { ...}, "sourceIndex": 1 }
Whereas, on calling the cancelChange
command, it cancels all the changes. For the batch mode, the getChanges
command on the TableSheet retrieves the column and data changes together.
SpreadJS also provides functionality to add, update, or remove columns using commands like DefineColumn
, ModifyColumn
, and RemoveColumn
. These commands enable you to add, update, and delete columns from a table by implementing their properties such as value, dataType, defaultValue, isPrimaryKey, type, or name from the IColumn interface.
Let's discuss some code samples to implement each of these commands.
The following sample code shows how to implement the DefineColumn
cmd: "DefineColumn",
sheetName: spread.getActiveSheetTab().name(),
// col: 3, // optional
column: {
type: 'Number', // specify the column type
value: 'Number1', // the column identifier of the column instance from the column type
caption: '# Number1', // the display of the column for the culture
style: { formatter: '#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)' } // the formatter could be specified or be converted from the UI operations
} as GC.Data.IColumn,
The following sample code shows how to implement the ModifyColumn
cmd: "ModifyColumn",
sheetName: spread.getActiveSheetTab().name(),
col: 3,
column: {
type: 'Text', // specify the column type
value: 'Text1', // the column identifier of the column instance from the column type
caption: 'A Text1', // the display of the column for the culture
} as GC.Data.IColumn,
The following sample code shows how to implement the RemoveColumn
cmd: "RemoveColumn",
sheetName: spread.getActiveSheetTab().name(),
col: 3,
TableSheet provides the ability to customize the column types or add some special column types using the self-defined commands such as defineColumnCommand
, submitDefineColumnCommand
or update the built-in columns using columnTypeItems
The following code sample shows how to add some special column types or update the built-in column types.
// Select some column types to show
const items = tableSheet.options.columnTypeItems.filter((item)=>item.name === 'Select' || item.name === 'Attachment' || item.name === 'Barcode' || item.name === 'CreatedTime' || item.name === 'ModifiedTime' || item.name === 'Currency')
tableSheet.options.columnTypeItems = tableSheet.options.columnTypeItems.slice(0, 4).concat(items);
// Add self-defined column type
tableSheet.options.columnTypeItems.unshift({ name: 'CustomizingType', text: 'Progress', iconClass: 'gc-defined-column-type-icon-number'
The defineColumnCommand
specifies the command to replace the default command that opens the defined column popup for the Add Column button or Modify Column menu item.
The following sample code shows how to implement defineColumnCommand
// Handle opening defined column popup
const defineCommand = tableSheet.options.defineColumnCommand;
tableSheet.options.defineColumnCommand = 'defineColumnCustom';
spread.commandManager().register('defineColumnCustom', {
canUndo: false,
execute: function (context, options) {
// it could build self-defined UI on the modify/add column triggered
// opening the default UI for the sample
options.cmd = defineCommand;
The submitDefineColumnCommand
specifies the command for submitting defined column options when the submit button is selected for the column defined popup.
The following sample code shows how to implement submitDefineColumnCustom
// Handle submitting defined column options
tableSheet.options.submitDefineColumnCommand = 'submitDefineColumnCustom';
spread.commandManager().register('submitDefineColumnCustom', {
canUndo: false,
execute: function (context, options) {
if (options.command === 'DefineColumn' && options.column.type === 'CustomizingType') {
options.column.defaultValue = 0.1;
options.column.style = {
formatter: "=HBARSPARKLINE([@"+options.column.value+"], \"#66B032\")"
options.cmd = options.command;
SpreadJS Designer component also provides the ability to define columns by selecting the Enable Define Column checkbox from the TABLE SHEET DESIGN > Options group.
You can also configure the remote APIs to communicate with remote data tables in the SpreadJS Designer component from the DATA > DataSource > Table section, if the remote data table supports.