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Check Box List Cell

SpreadJS allows users to create check box lists within the cells of the spreadsheet.

It refers to an interactive checklist or a to-do list with multi-selection field values. It displays a group of items via multiple checkboxes (small square-shaped selection boxes) embedded within a single cell. Users can click the check box in order to select or deselect a specific option.

Usage Scenario

A check box list cell type is helpful when users need to select multiple field values in a cell while working with spreadsheets. With the help of a checkbox list, users can create a customer feedback survey, an input form, interactive checklists, and dynamic reports quickly and efficiently.

Example - Let's say you want to analyze the end-user response to company products in an easy and effective way. In such a scenario, creating a user-friendly check box list in the worksheet is a great idea to record customer responses, as shown in the snapshot below:

Customize a Check Box List

While working with check box list cell type in SpreadJS, users can execute the following tasks in order to customize it as per their specific preferences:

  • Users can configure the text alignment using the textAlign method. The available options in the TextAlign enumeration are left and right.

  • Users can identify whether the layout of the check box list is autofit or not by using the isFlowLayout method. By default, the value parameter of this method is set to "true".

  • Users can set the direction of the check box list cell type as horizontal or vertical, using the Direction enumeration.

  • Users can get or set the items for the row count and the column count of the check box list using the maxRowCount method and the maxColumnCount method respectively. This can be done only when the value parameter of the isFlowLayout method is set to true and the direction is horizontal.

  • Users can configure spacing between the two list items in order to avoid congestion and clutter within the list items inside the cell. This can be done by using the itemSpacing method.

  • Users can change the size of a check box using the boxSize method whose value can be set to any number or "auto". If the method is set to any illegal value, the check box size is not changed. The standard size of the check box in the check box list cell type is 12*12. However, this method only works on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Android webview, Chrome for Android, Firefox for Android, Opera for Android, Safari on IOS, and Samsung Internet browsers.

Using Code

Refer to the following example code to create a basic checkbox list in a cell while working with spreadsheets.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Initializing Spread
    var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'), { sheetCount: 1 });

    // Get the activesheet
    var activeSheet = spread.getSheet(0);

    // This example creates a CheckBoxList celltype
    var checkBoxListCellType = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.CheckBoxList();
    activeSheet.getCell(0, 1).font("italic 16px Calibri");
    activeSheet.getCell(0, 1).foreColor("Red");
    activeSheet.getCell(0, 1, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport).value("What factors are important to you when buying software products? ").wordWrap(true);
    checkBoxListCellType.items([{ text: "Price", value: 1 }, { text: "Usability", value: 2 }, { text: "Features", value: 3 }, { text: "Support", value: 4 }, { text: "Others", value: 5 }]);

    // Configure spacing for two items in the CheckBoxList
        horizontal: 20, vertical: 10

    // Configure the checkBoxListCellType to vertical

    // Configure the position of text in CheckBoxList, only support left and right

    // Configure the check box size in CheckBoxList, only support number and "auto"
    activeSheet.getCell(1, 1).cellType(checkBoxListCellType);

    // Configure the row height
    activeSheet.setRowHeight(0, 70.0, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);
    activeSheet.setRowHeight(1, 160.0, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);

    // Configure the column width
    activeSheet.setColumnWidth(1, 200.0, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);