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DrawEllipse Method

DrawEllipse(RectangleF, Color, float, DashStyle)

Draws an ellipse using a specified line color, width and style.

If the value of lineStyle parameter is not Solid, the ellipse is drawn with a Pen having LineCap set to Square instead of Flat.

public void DrawEllipse(RectangleF bounds, Color lineColor, float lineWidth, DashStyle lineStyle = DashStyle.Solid)
Public Sub DrawEllipse(bounds As RectangleF, lineColor As Color, lineWidth As Single, Optional lineStyle As DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that specifies the ellipse to draw.

Color lineColor

The color of lines used to draw the ellipse.

float lineWidth

The width of lines used to draw the ellipse.

DashStyle lineStyle

The line style (solid by default).

DrawEllipse(RectangleF, Color, float, float[])

Draws an ellipse using a specified line color, width and dash pattern.

If the dashPattern array contains two or more items, the ellipse is drawn with a Pen having LineCap set to Square instead of Flat.

public void DrawEllipse(RectangleF bounds, Color lineColor, float lineWidth, float[] dashPattern)
Public Sub DrawEllipse(bounds As RectangleF, lineColor As Color, lineWidth As Single, dashPattern As Single())
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that specifies the ellipse to draw.

Color lineColor

The color of lines used to draw the ellipse.

float lineWidth

The width of lines used to draw the ellipse.

float[] dashPattern

The dash pattern of lines used to draw the ellipse.

DrawEllipse(RectangleF, Pen)

Draws an ellipse using a specified pen.

public void DrawEllipse(RectangleF bounds, Pen pen)
Public Sub DrawEllipse(bounds As RectangleF, pen As Pen)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that specifies the ellipse to draw.

Pen pen

The pen used to draw the ellipse.