Elements / Ribbon Tab Item
Ribbon Tab Item

A user may require many commands in an application in order to work with different scenarios. The commands are usually grouped and put under different Ribbon Tabs. A Ribbon tab can contain many groups. Each Group comprises a set of Items. For instance, in the Office application, the Home tab in the Ribbon is used to perform many common operations like changing fonts, applying styles, changing formats, editing texts (copy, cut and paste) etc. The Home tab contains many groups such as Clipboard, Font, Paragraph and Styles.

The RibbonTabItem represents a tab item on the Ribbon, and can be added using RibbonTabItem class. A RibbonTabItem can hold a collection of RibbonGroup which can contain different items like C1ButtonTool, C1ToggleButtonTool, C1DropDownTool, C1MenuTool and C1SelectTool.

The following image displays two ribbon tabs, Home and Help.


You can use the XAML code below to add a RibbonTabItem "Home" to the ribbon application.

Copy Code
        <c1:C1Ribbon FontSize="14" SelectedIndex="0">
            <c1:RibbonTabItem Header="Home">