C1.Win.C1Sizer.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Sizer Namespace
C1.Win.C1Sizer Namespace
ClassAbstract class that serves as a base for the Row and Column classes.
ClassAbstract class that serves as a base for the RowCollection and ColumnCollection classes.
ClassClass that implements rounded borders and exposes properties that control the appearance of the border.
ClassProvides data for the C1Sizer.SplitterMoving and C1Sizer.SplitterMoved events of a C1Sizer control.
ClassProvides data for the C1SizerLight.ResizingFont event of a C1SizerLight component.
ClassRepresents a column in the Sizer grid.
ClassCollection of Column objects.
ClassClass that implements gradient backgrounds and exposes properties that control the appearance of the gradient.
ClassRepresents a row in the Sizer grid.
ClassCollection of Row objects.
StructureRepresents corners associated with a user interface (UI) element.
DelegateRepresents the methods that will handle the C1Sizer.SplitterMoving and C1Sizer.SplitterMoved events of a C1Sizer control.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1SizerLight.ResizingFont and C1SizerLight.ResizingControl events of a C1SizerLight component.
EnumerationRepresents the possible sizing modes.
EnumerationSpecifies the background gradient mode.
EnumerationSpecifies the image alignment.
EnumerationSpecifies the image scaling.
See Also