Menus and Toolbars Overview / Toolbars Appearance and Behavior / Special Border Styles in Toolbars
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Special Border Styles in Toolbars
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C1ToolBar has a special class, C1Border, that allows you to add various border styles to the toolbars. C1Border contains the following members:

Name Description
BottomEdge Determines whether the border has a bottom edge.
DarkColor Gets or sets the color of the group. In the Flat setting for the Style this color applies to the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the toolbar.
LeftEdge Determines whether the border has a left edge.
LightColor Gets or sets the color of the border. This color is not used in the Flat setting for the C1Border
RightEdge Determines whether the border has a right edge.
Style Gets or sets the border style.
TopEdge Determines whether the border has a top edge.
Width Gets or sets the border width in pixels.

The following image illustrates the TopEdge, LeftEdge, BottomEdge, and RightEdge properties for the C1Border class.

Properties in C1Border class

The TopEdge, LeftEdge, BottomEdge, and RightEdge properties are useful for applying borders to specific areas such as the top, bottom, left, or right edge of the C1ToolBar. These properties are set to True by default.

The following table illustrates each of the property settings for Style property. In addition to the various border styles shown below, the table also illustrates the Width, DarkColor, LeftEdge, RightEdge, BottomEdge, and TopEdge properties. The Width property is set to 5 pixels, DarkColor property is set to DarkTurquoiseLeftEdge property is set to PaleTurquoise, and the LeftEdgeRightEdgeBottomEdge, and TopEdge are all set to True.

Property Setting Image
Style.None None
Style.Flat Flat
Style.Groove Groove
Style.Ridge Ridge
Style.Inset Inset
Style.Outset Outset

The following table illustrates the effect of  the LeftEdgeRightEdgeBottomEdge, and TopEdge when each one is disabled:

Property Setting Image
BottomEdge.False Bottom edge
LeftEdge.False Left edge
RightEdge.False Right edge
TopEdge.False Top Edge

For more information about using these properties, see Modifying the Appearance of the Toolbar.

See Also