| Name | Description |
 | BackBrush | Gets or sets the brush used to render the element background. |
 | BackBrushProvider | Gets or sets the brush provider used to render the element background. |
 | BackColor | Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Color used to paint the background. |
 | BackColor2 | Gets or sets the secondary color used to build the background gradient. |
 | BackImage | Gets or sets the background image for the element. |
 | BackImageAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment used to render the background image. |
 | BackImageAllowFlip | Gets or sets whether the background image can be flipped for RTL mode. |
 | BackImagePadding | Gets or sets the thickness of the padding between the element edges and its content. |
 | BackImagePaddingRtl | Returns back image padding which honors current RightToLeft settings. |
 | BackImageScaling | Gets or sets the scaling used to render the background image. |
 | Border | Gets or sets the thickness of the border around the element. |
 | BorderBrush | Gets or sets the brush used to paint the borders around the element. |
 | BorderColor | Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Color used to draw the border around the element. |
 | BorderEdges | Gets BorderEdges object that defines the colors used to paint each edge of the borders. |
 | BorderRtl | Returns padding which honors current RightToLeft settings. |
 | ChildSpacing | Gets or sets the amount of space between child elements. |
 | Clip | Gets or sets whether text content should be clipped to the element area. |
 | Corners | Gets or sets the radii of the element corners. |
 | Cursor | Gets or sets the cursor that should be displayed when the mouse is over elements with this style. |
  | DefaultStyle | Gets a reference to the default style. |
 | Disabled | Gets or sets the style to be used when the element is disabled. |
 | DisplayBlock | Gets or sets the display as block or inline of the element. |
 | Ellipse | Gets or sets whether the element border is an ellipse (for the dynamic styles only). |
 | Flags | Gets or sets the style flags. |
 | Font | Gets or sets the font used to paint text within the element. |
 | FontPadding | Gets or sets whether text bounding rectangle should include padding. |
 | ForeBrush | Gets or sets the brush used to paint the text within the element. |
 | ForeColor | Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Color used to paint the text. |
 | Format | Gets or sets the format string used to convert the element value into a string. |
 | GammaCorrection | Gets or sets whether to apply gamma correction to the background gradient. |
 | GradientBlend | Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend used to paint the background gradient. |
 | GradientCenter | Gets or sets the System.Drawing.PointF that represents the center of a radial gradient background in percentage units. |
 | GradientInterpolationColors | Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend that defines a multicolor gradient. |
 | GradientMode | Gets or sets the GradientMode used to paint the background. |
 | Height | Gets or sets the style height (set to -1 to use the default height). |
 | HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets how elements should be aligned in the horizontal direction. |
 | Hot | Gets or sets the style to be used when the element is hot. |
 | HotkeyPrefix | Gets or sets the HotkeyPrefix value determining how to display hot keys. |
 | HotPressed | Gets or sets the style to be used when the element is hot and pressed. |
 | ImageAlignment | Gets or sets how images should be aligned within the element. |
 | ImageAllowFlip | Gets or sets whether the image should be flipped horizontally for RTL mode. |
 | ImageScaling | Gets or sets how images should be scaled within the element. |
 | Indent | Gets or sets the indentation for the first text element. |
 | Locked | Gets or sets whether the style is locked and cannot be modified. |
 | Margins | Gets or sets the thickness of the margins around the element. |
 | MarginsRtl | Returns margins which honor current RightToLeft settings. |
 | Name | Gets or sets the style name. |
 | Owner | Gets the owner object, such an XStyleSet. |
 | Padding | Gets or sets the thickness of the padding between the element edges and its content. |
 | PaddingRtl | Returns padding which honors current RightToLeft settings. |
 | Pressed | Gets or sets the style to be used when the element is pressed. |
 | Shadow | Gets or sets whether the style includes a shadow. |
 | TextDirection | Gets or sets the direction in which text is rendered. |
 | Trimming | Gets or sets how to trim characters that do not fit in the space available. |
 | VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets how elements should be aligned in the vertical direction. |
 | Width | Gets or sets the style width (set to -1 to use the default width). |
 | WordWrap | Gets or sets whether text should be allowed to wrap within the element. |