C1.Win.4.8 Assembly / C1.Util Namespace / FontSubSet.CodePointFlags Enumeration

FontSubSet.CodePointFlags Enumeration
Line-breaking and justification conditions; East Asian width category for the code point.
Public Enum FontSubSet.CodePointFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
AmbiguousWidthAmbiguous characters
BreakAfterMaskMask for testing the line-breaking behavior.
CanBreakIndicates that a line break is allowed after this code point.
GraphemeStartIndicates the start of a Grapheme Cluster.
InlineObjectIndicates that the character is a replacement for inline object.
MayNotBreakIndicates that there should be no line break after this code point.
MustBreakIndicates that the line break must happen after this code point.
NarrowEast Asian Narrow
NeutralWidthNeutral (Not East Asian)
NoneIndicates that none of the flags are set.
SidewaysWhether the glyphs are rotated on their side.
SidewaysIfNotTransformedCombination of the Sideways and UprightIfTransformed flags.
SoftHyphenIndicates that the character is a soft hyphen, often used to indicate hyphenation points inside words.
TabOrWhitespaceBit mask for the character tabulation and whitespaces.
TabulationIndicates the character tabulation.
UprightIfTransformedIndicates if characters should be displayed upright if transformed with the 'vert' or 'vrt2' GSUB features.
WhitespaceIndicates that the character is some form of whitespace, which may be meaningful for justification.
WideEast Asian Wide (and emoji)
WidthMaskMask for testing East Asian character width category.
WordStartIndicates the start of a word.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also