| Name | Description |
  | ApplicationHasFocus | |
 | Clone | Returns a clone of this element. |
  | FindMnemonic | Finds the Element that is represented by a given hot key. |
 | Focus | Sets the focus to the host control and to this Element within the host control. |
  | GetBitmapResource | Gets a System.Drawing.Bitmap from the application's embedded resources. |
 | GetBounds | Overloaded. Gets the element's bounds (size and location) within an arbitrary ancestor, in pixels. Ancestor element (parent, grand-parent, etc). A System.Drawing.Rectangle that corresponds to the element's position within the given ancestor. |
 | GetFlags | |
  | GetImageResource | Gets an System.Drawing.Image from the application's embedded resources. |
 | GetParent<T> | Navigates up the tree to find an ancestor of a given type. |
 | GetParentOfType | Navigates up the tree to find an ancestor of a given type. |
 | GetScrollOrigin | Returns the scroll origin (override to implement non-scrolling areas). |
 | HitTest | Returns the element at a given point. |
 | Invalidate | Overloaded. Invalidates this Element within the host control. |
 | IsChildOf | Determines whether this element is a child of another element. |
 | IsInputKey | Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. |
 | Layout | Overloaded. Lays out this element based on its style and contents. |
 | Measure | Overloaded. Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified content drawn on the specified System.Drawing.Graphics surface. |
 | Offset | Adjusts the location of this element by the specified amount. |
 | OnClick | Called by the host control when the user clicks this Element. |
 | OnDoubleClick | Called by the host control when the user double-clicks this Element. |
 | OnGotFocus | Called by the host control when this Element receives the focus. |
 | OnKeyDown | Called by the host control when the user presses a key and this Element has the focus. |
 | OnKeyPress | Called by the host control when the user presses a character key and this Element has the focus. |
 | OnKeyUp | Called by the host control when the user releases a key and this Element has the focus. |
 | OnLostFocus | Called by the host control when this Element loses the focus. |
 | OnMouseDown | Called by the host control when the user presses a mouse button over this Element. |
 | OnMouseEnter | Called by the host control when the mouse enters this Element. |
 | OnMouseEnterHover | Called by the host control when the mouse enters this Element, even if another element has captured the mouse. |
 | OnMouseLeave | Called by the host control when the mouse leaves this Element. |
 | OnMouseLeaveHover | Called by the host control when the mouse leaves this Element, even if another element has captured the mouse. |
 | OnMouseLostCapture | Called by the host control when the user releases the left mouse button over a disabled Element. |
 | OnMouseMove | Called by the host control when the mouse moves over this Element. |
 | OnMouseUp | Called by the host control when the user releases a mouse button over this Element. |
 | OnMouseWheel | Handles MouseWheel events. |
 | OnValidated | Called by the host control after the element has been validated. |
 | OnValidating | Called by the host control when the element is about to lose focus. |
 | PointToClient | Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates. |
 | PointToScreen | Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates. |
 | Render | Renders the element into a given rectangle. |
 | RenderChildren | Renders the child elements into a given rectangle. |
 | RenderContent | Render this element's content (no children). |
 | SetDirty | Overloaded. Marks this element as dirty, forcing all parent and child elements to be laid out. |
 | SetFlags | Overloaded. |
  | ThreadHasFocus | |